Hello from Bournemouth

Jan 18, 2007
Hi guys - its Caroline here, wife of Nigel we came over with Tommo and Lizzie a couple of weeks ago.

Just wanted to say thanks alot for being so hospitable, it was good to meet you all.

After we left you we went down to Patong / Katta Noi and it was definatley more expensive - I had to barter abit harder for my bargain T-Shirts

It is now very wet and windy in the UK and we are both back at work wondering whether we really did go to Thailand at all!!!!!!

Thanks again, might see you again one day

Caroline and Nigel


Hi Caroline, Nig, Tomo & Liz,

I'll address you all here to save time. Yep, was good to meet you guys and seems like you all enjoyed your time both "up here" in the north and down south with the beaches.

"Wet & windy in the UK" - hmmm, 86 degrees and sunshine as I write this at 5pm [:)]. Hurry back but I'll definitely give you guys a buzz when I'm next back in the UK (def August but maybe before).

Take care and we'll all do a few laps of the loop for you!!!

