After returning from my journey North to Chaing Saen, I upgraded to a bigger bike, (the 125 tourture machine just did not cut it). I am now riding around on a 250 RX and I want its children, it is more fun than the Ukranian under 16 pentathletes team. I have been burning around the Mae Hong Song trail kicking up dust since I got on it five days ago. Of course with this new found power (cue evil laugh) comes a new found need to protect myself and I dutifully invested in thirty condoms, a luminous jacket that makes me look like a cock (no the fighting sort) and a helmet. I was told that of all items the helmet is the most essential and any damage to it can render it useless. So I dutifully bought a decent one and I have been extremely careful with it taking care not to drop and always ensuring it is not somewhere it can easily fall. Today, after visiting the Karen Long Kneck village outside Mae Hong Song, I finally did the unthinkable and dropped it on the ground. this has put a number of scratches in it and left wondering if I should replace it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.