After being asked today how it is going here is the Latest Drama on my Bikes. the first two have been in Bangkok for over 3 weeks already. Our Shipping Agent is a "Usless C**T". Putting it politely. Anyway Now he claims Monday he will get the Number from the Certification office for my Bikes to be checked, He told me the same thing last week!!! Also he now wants to keep Both Bikes in case they want to see the other one? Originally he told me you only need One to get Certified. Once you have this Certification Paper you can use it on the Same Model of Bike as many times as you want to get them Registered!!! My Next Seven Bikes will arrive in Bangkok Port the first week of May and Now he wants to see them. They are Identical Bikes so i can't See the Point? As i am a Dumb Prick i have to get my Wife to do the Talking and it always ends up with Her Pissed Off at me and no closer to resolving anything!!! I wanted to get all the Bikes Run in and Tested before my Mates Arrive in June but as the Time is quickly running out i will be just happy to Get them here! If Brains were Dynamite none of these Pricks would have enough to Part their Hair!!! Little wonder there are so Many Unregistered Bikes in Chiang Mai. I will keep you all posted, My last entry on this Subject will probably be to announce my Divorce!!!.
Cheers Ian.
Cheers Ian.