Info for border crossing Thai - Lao


Jul 4, 2010
Hi all, i'm Alex a new member. I join the forum because we have buy in Laos a honda wave (yincin) very old but still good and we was tinking to cross into thailand from Huay Xai, the problem is that the motorbike is still in the original owner name (i have all the paper filled for change the owner but i don't know what to do) so at the border i think i will get trouble (also because the plastic card (document) is also expired.

I've read the report about the border crossing and that someone already meet people who cross the border without document. In my case the motorbike is very low $$ value so in case of trouble for an eventual corssing into malaysia is not be a big deal.

I will try everithing for make the document, but just in case, what i have to do? just make my visa (stamp out/in, etc) and try to pass trhu the checkpoint with the motorbike and if they stop me try to give them 10/20$ and see what happen?

It is a good idea to bring the motorbike in thailand with a boat, park somewere and go back in laos for pass the border, get the visa and go in thailand to collect the motorbike where i've parked before?

Please don't ban me straight away for this question but i'm really in lack of time and i would like to bring Lucio with me.


Jul 4, 2010
update: cross the border between huay xay and chang khong was really easy also if the document was still not on my name, the let us enter withouth problem and with all the regular documents. The only think is that he value my 4000bath motorbike 20000 bath and the fine in case of overstay is otrageous.
May 25, 2006
Hi Friends,

In facts, when owning:

-a passport with a one year valid OA-form visa as example
-a Thai Driving license
-a Green book under the passport and Thai Driving license name

What else do we exactly need to cross border between Thailand and Laos ? I am a bit confused among all the post flying around ?

Thanks in advance for your clear answer.
Nov 18, 2008
Hello Azoulay, Alex,
I've crossed into Lao at 4 different points on moterbike and only had a problem at Mukdahan Friendship Bridge II (something about a "motorcycle passport" that, for me anyway, was made of Unobtainium). At the other crossings the officials knew exactly what to do. You need your green book, 2 copies of your passport cover page and the page of your green book that has your name in it (3 wouldn't hurt). You check out first at Immigration and you and/or the official fills out Form TM 2 INFORMATION OF CONVEYANCE and TM 4 CREW LIST and takes 1 set of copies of passport/green book. You go to customs with the forms and give the other set of copies of PP/GB and he/she types up a SIMPLIFIED CUSTOMS DECLARATION FORM, your "Motorbike Passport" (that's surrendered at the point of reentry into Thailand so it's a good idea to make a copy for the training of some inept official at some future time at some crossing where you're having a problem getting across) , and you're off to Lao. Check in at Immigration and then Customs, show the official your Thai paperwork and he/she will fill out the Customs Declaration for Temporary Imported Passenger Vehicle for up to 30 days with possible extension at LPB and ?. You also surrender this form when you leave Lao so get a copy. Then you sign up for the insurance at the entry point and you be motorbikin' in Lao, Brutha.