Kawasaki KLX / D-Tracker - how many horses?


Aug 20, 2003
I went to www.kawasakibigbike.com when I came upon the technical specifications for the KLX: 24 PS @9000 rpm and 21Nm of torque @ 7000rpm and the D-Tracker showed even less power: 22 PS @ 7500rpm and 20 Nm @ 7300rpm. What a surprise because I read on another website (not an official Kawasaki website) that both bikes have 29 PS @ 9000rpm and 25 Nm @ 7000rpm. That's a power difference of about 20%, no small amount. So where lies the truth? A Honda XR250 should have around 28 hp, even though it's air-cooled and a two-valver, so 29 hp for the Kawasaki sounds believable.
Interestingly 25 Nm seemed a bit high to me for a single cylinder engine, the same website lists the power of the VTR250 at 32hp and 23Nm - a V-Twin producing less torque than a single?
I'm not hung up on numbers, I just don't want to buy a bike and find out it doesn't pull...
What's your educated guess?
Oct 12, 2005
I saw dyno results of 18 at the rear wheel for a 2007 KLX 250's w/Carb. Not much has changed regarding the motor since then, except FI.

I own a KLX250 D-tracker from a few years ago and after riding the KLX for over 20k I feel the XR is lighter and has a bit more torque off the bottom, whereas the KLX makes its power a bit higher up the rev range.
From what I have gathered from a couple of other forums the US spec of the pre-09 KLX's had 18hp stock. With some simple mods they were able to bump it up in the low twenties which from reports made a world of difference in waking up the bike. Also the Japanese spec of the FI KLX and D-Tracker were dyno'd by a Japanese bike mag stock at 20hp. Interesting to note was that with an aftermarket exhaust the D-tracker gained 2hp and the KLX lost hp. Not sure whose exhaust or what mag it was unfortunately. It was noted that the KLX had a O2 sensor either on the stock exhaust or in the header pipe, this wasn't too clear, so that could explain the loss of power. That is one thing that I am going to be looking at on my KLX when it arrives.



Aug 20, 2003
There usually is a difference between hp numbers talked about in forums or stated in brochures and websites and real world, rear tire dynamo hp. I wonder if the VTR250 would show the same or close to the same numbers on the dyno as the KLX you mentioned. I'm happy with the power the VTR has, it could be more, but shouldn't be less. I just don't want to buy a brand-new Tracker and then find out it has ten less horses than the VTR...
A test ride would tell. Maybe I'll wait until I meet someone with a KLX / Tracker and we'll do some back-to-back riding.
I think a side by side test ride would be the best choice here. I don"t understand why they do not list what the stock HP is in the LOS. Maybe we are too concerned about the HP of a given vehicle in the US because of our fondness for the auto and going "fast".

Either way I just hope I can do some simple things to the bike to give a it a little more testosterone. I already have a set of saddle bags from Dirtbagz coming, a Utah Skid Plate, and I have a 2 Brothers Racing M7 Exhaust that I would like to add. Now if someone would make a power commander module for it.....

Oct 12, 2005
Got the Dirt Bagz and Utah Skid plate on mine also. Great items by the way.

Bugger the Power Commander.

To give my anemic KLX some lungs I punched it out to 331cc, installed a set of Race Cams,

and have it breathe through a 35mm Flatslide Pumper carb. Mighty fine decent ride now.


Aug 20, 2003
Good idea, but the 2008 models have FI, the rentals probably not, and there may lie the difference in power.
BignTall, seems like it was worth the investment. How much was everything incl labor? Couldn't have been cheap...
What about the cooling system, a 33% increase in cc and hotter cams should produce more heat, is the stock radiator sufficient?
KZ - From what I have read, on the KLX250S Specific Forums, The cooling is a non-issue. Several members have run tests to see if they could even get the radiator fan to come on and most failed. Those who did were mainly on tight and challenging single track. Many also changed fans to smaller ones due to a larger fuel tank mod that interfered with the stock fan. Many = lots more than I can count and then some.

B&T - what year is your KLX? Is it in CNX also? I was thinking if the 09 feels castrated to me that I might jump in the the big bore kit myself. From what I have read on that it's a relatively easy install. Did you rejet your carb and upgrade your exhaust too?

Now if only a second party tank would fit properly! We could get better legs. :)

Aug 29, 2008
there was noone there to speak enough english, though the owner does, and the bikes on hire till next week, but number is noks bikes
0806425051 if you want to check if they're 2008 FI models
The D-Tracker and KLX are essentially the same bike but in different skin. I am tempted to get a D-Tracker also as it would be loads of fun on the paved roads in my area along the Mekong.

If your able to do a comparisons between the FI and non-FI D-Tracker and the VTR I think it would be interesting to hear the results. :)


Aug 20, 2003
Would be glad to post it - all I need is a KLX/D-Tracker...
But the VTR should be closer to the 250 Ninja; if I could get a new VTR for 170K I'd go for it since it's the better all-round bike. Don't know if I could do long trips on the Kawa Enduro. -
Friend of mine bought a Platinum 175 Enduro, even though I told him not to. But he loves Enduros and there's no cheap, small one on the market. He paid less than 50K THB for the chinese-made thing with a 30 year old Honda engine. He's happy with this second-generation model, nothing broke or fell off yet.
I wonder why there's no small 125-175cc Enduro or Supermoto for 50-80K THB on the market; seems like the japanese manufacturers forgot that segment. The Kawa KSR110 is a first step, but it's too small, too weak and too expensive. Kawa could simply do a Enduro version of the KLX140, which is available in TH as a dirt bike. Maybe it's politics...
Oct 12, 2005
Pseacraft - Yes my bike is in Chiang Mai.

Not sure of the vintage as the numbers have been changed for a plate. However best guess is around 2002 or something. They have been made in Japan since 1996 with no changes other than color and radiator shroud shape. Kawasaki began selling it in the states in 07 as a new model. What a laugh since it had been putting around Thailand and Japan 5 years prior.

No cooling issues and its been though a lot of tight singletrack

and pressed into motard duty with an extra set of rims.

Been a trouble free bike crossing three countries and loads of KM's both in dirt and motard trim. Nothing wrong with them just a bit anemic stock.

Is the money I pumped into it worth it?? Probably not, between the biger bore, pumper carb, exhaust, etc it was not cheap but it has bought me many smiles and memories which are hard to put a price on.
Thanks brother, great looking machine. I agree it may not be worth the cost to do the upgrades when one plays bean-counter but then I never care about costs when it's the smile factor. Plus I'd learn a great deal about bike maintenance that I have long since forgotten. The 09 with FI is supposed to be getting around 24hp according to my math so I'll see how it feels. That's the point most folks in the KLX forums are getting the carb bikes to wake up.

I'll be back Issan way in 11 days so I hope my bike will be waiting for me to play. :)



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
[quote quote=BignTall][size size=18]


Big & Tall
Aha. Nice pic, but ...
1. What's with the 4.06AM time - wrong country?
2. What were you standing on when you took the photo?
3. Where's the road - my guess either the Samoeng loop, or en route to Doi Mae Salong?

Who says I don't pay attention to your photos?


Aug 20, 2003
I just read a comparo of the 2008 Honda CRF230L and the Yamaha XT250, which is essentially a XT225 Serow with a new bigger-bore engine. Both are air-cooled and should have 4 valves; the Honda's power is listed as 14.5 hp and 12lb-ft of torque, the Yamaha has 16 hp and 12.6 lb-ft. Compared to that the 22/24 hp numbers of the Kawas seem believable.
Feb 27, 2009
KLX rider here in Manila saw your post and so happy to see how your bike performs

Guys, where could i find a motard style rear fender since mines hold by tie wraps.... my friend is currently in Thailand now.. and what other model bike fender will fit our KLX 250... thanks

Mobs from manila

Guys this bike (Honda XL250 Degree H2O cooled) is a 28Hp on rear wheels on a Dyno so I'm sure the KLX (only after market pipe) is within 22-27Hp range but no way higher...

Thanks in advance Guys Mobs..... Safe riding.....

All I could say is Ride hard Guys it will gradually wake up... mines stock sprockets and after market pipes Tops at 150Kph.....


Aug 20, 2003
Came across this article in Cycle World: 2009 Kawa KLX250 vs Yamaha WR250R
http://www.cycleworld.com/article.asp?s ... le_id=1060
Interesting is that the 2009 Kawa is still carburated in the US but has to have FI here!
Of course the Yamaha wins the contest hands down, but then again it costs 20% more.
But the Kawi's power is listed as 18.7hp at 8300rpm, probably dyno horses. So the carbed version is no better than the FI version!


Mar 29, 2004
BignTall wrote: Got the Dirt Bagz and Utah Skid plate on mine also. Great items by the way.

Bugger the Power Commander.

To give my anemic KLX some lungs I punched it out to 331cc, installed a set of Race Cams,

and have it breathe through a 35mm Flatslide Pumper carb. Mighty fine decent ride now.
Hi Big and Tall
Thats an interesting concept.
I have a DRZ400 but its on the heavy side for tight stuff. Alternatively a stock 4 stroke 250cc is underpowered for long dualsport rides.

Your upgraded KLX looks like a good combo of power and weight. Also like the 6th gear for highway use.
Have you ridden a DRZ400 and how would you compare the power with your upgraded KLX ?

Pity the new KLX are Fuel Injected as I suspect this prohibits any engine mods until someone works out how to remap the FI.


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Aug 20, 2003
This info I found on wikipedia:
"Kawasaki discontinued the KLR250 at the end of the 2005 model run. It was replaced by the KLX250S in 2006. This only applies in the USA. In other markets the KLX250 was introduced in 1981 and has been sold since then to the current day.

The base specifications have remained virtually unchanged through out the production period.


Type: Four-stroke, DOHC, four-valve, single cylinder,
Displacement: 249 cc
Bore and Stroke: 74.0 x 58.0 mm
Carburetor: Keihin CVK34
Compression ratio: 11.0:1
Output: 28 horsepower 1986–1989, 22 horsepower 1990–2005"


Aug 20, 2003
This I found on www.bikez.com :
"A mystery: from ´86 to 89´ the KLR250 produced 28hp and 22 ft.lbs. of torque in stock mode. However, from ´90 to ´05, it only makes 22bhp and 18ft. lbs. of torque (this is as per the factory service manual). The difference is in the cams: 86-89 had hot cams. Why the bike was detuned is a mystery to me. Emissions?
The ´89 cams are available from Kawasaki for $400 a set. Would be an interesting hop up. 6hp increase, almost 25%, over stock?????"
That is on the list of mods done on the ROW (carburetor) KLX250. It would be interesting to try on the FI model but think that we would have to wait until the ECU is do-able. Does your research show any difference in the older version versus the final version of the KLR with respect to the jetting? I would think that one would have to adjust this with the new cams.