The shop is located on Khan Kean Highway near the Military circle in front of the university actually says Suzuki on the outside. The new shop is almost complete they are still using the small bike shop until it's finished they have from 100CC to 1000 CC. still don't have my 900.
042-244900 & 042-244905
That 650 is a beauty 250K wish I could ride it.
Sorry about the blurred photos should have my wife take them my job is riding hers photos see what happens when you step out of your classification the have four 650's in stock
This is the 1000 cc 650,000 not fro me I can't ride it with the back and more then I want to spend.
These bikes are all legal and I think they charge just a few baht? for the book process. Haven't really asked but the same a Bangkok
042-244900 & 042-244905
That 650 is a beauty 250K wish I could ride it.
Sorry about the blurred photos should have my wife take them my job is riding hers photos see what happens when you step out of your classification the have four 650's in stock
This is the 1000 cc 650,000 not fro me I can't ride it with the back and more then I want to spend.
These bikes are all legal and I think they charge just a few baht? for the book process. Haven't really asked but the same a Bangkok