Khon Kaen Quick Look.

Sep 19, 2006
I blasted down to Khon Kaen on Friday and arrived early Afternoon after a Great Ride. Checked into our Hotel the "Pullman Raj Orchid". It also happened to be where some of the Harley Guys from Bangkok were staying! John Gooding and the Other Organisers turned up to Greet them so had a Nice evening. We moved on to the Khon Kaen Hotel to meet some others which Turned into a Big Night but unfortunately I can't Publish those Photo's :shock: Next day we all meet at the Site for a Ride Escorted by the Tourist Police so My Better Half Long Rode along with them :wink:

You can see from the other Posts it was a Fun Day. Nice Ride around the Area. I meet up and had a good Talk to Erik Svensson who is the Owner of Harley Davidson Bangkok , He is a Real Nice Guy and was staying in the Same Hotel as Us.

With the Heat we retired to the Hotel late afternoon and relaxed before the Evening when we went to the Party for a Quick Look 8) A Guy I had Meet earlier Renzo Ambrosini had Entered His Ducati in the Bike Show which He won :shock: His Ducati was Really Tricked out and Hard to Pick all the Changes unless You had a Sharp Eye. Top Stuff.

This Photo doesn't really do the Bike Justice, It is a Stunner 8)
There were also lots of other Bikes to See, Check out the Size of this Rear Tyre, Got to be Great for Cornering :lol:

There was quite a lot of different Entertainment on Stage as well.

We headed back to the Hotel to the Ground Floor Brewery and loads of other Guys turned up as the Party started to slow down. Ended up a Fun Night! Sunday was an Easy Day for us relaxing until the Evening when we were meet by John Gooding and a few other People still Present and West Who just arrived that Morning :?

Developed into another Good Night! Thanks to John who took us all out for the Night! Monday Morning had breakfast and Rode Back to Chiang Mai with West. Great Roads on the Way but it was pretty Hot and everywhere was Smokey and Char-coaled from all the Burning. This is the Length of Thailand as i saw it all the way last week when we Rode down to Burapa :shock: Pity these Idiots didn't learn the Alternatives instead of Burning everything!!! Great Weekend all the Same. Thanks Guys.
Dec 27, 2007
Great pics Ian and good to see you in KK.

We'll be headed up your way next week and I'll definitely drag the gang over to the X Centre for a few beers.

Happy Trails!



Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Ian & Tony

Im sure you guys had a plast,,tony room was ok?
is it worth to visit on my next tip in kk?

party pictures can be sent by email always,,so i know what i missed by joining this little shyte..(Ship, sorry)


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Good to see you out riding afar. Glad you had a great time. Thanks for the contribution.

Last but not least - DON'T sell your Tiger! It's a great bike & perfect for these sorts of long fast up-country rides! You just need to get out & ride more, that's all; & the further the better.
Sep 4, 2007
Hi Ian,
Thanks for report and pics and for making the long trip down. And to Long for making the flight down and up. Glad you folks had a good weekend, maybe with reports like yours we will persuade a few more Northern folks that the trip down will be worthwhile next year.
Always happy to see them before then of course, Cheers, John
Sep 19, 2006
For anyone Considering a Bike Week I strongly Recommend KK. It is a Great Place with Great People and it seems more Personal or Individual to Me :?: I ran into alot of Guys from the Board which was nice and had a Fantastic Time. Lots of Under the Radar Activities to be Had and The Ride to get there for me is Much Nicer than the Trip to Pattaya :wink: Look forward to Next Year 8) And Yes David I Agree the Tiger is the Best for Long Trips ( Especially Fast ) and that is Where it Performs and Feels the Best. The Longer i Ride it the Easier it seems :shock: Specially when it gets to fast Long Sweepers. No Doubt i will Keep it as it is Not a Sellers market so the Best Policy is Just Buy What You want and stick with it! If You can afford another Bike and it really Takes Your Fancy Buy it!!! :lol:
So Next Year See You all in Khon Kaen :wink: