Khon Kean Ride Reaprt


Oct 14, 2005
Ya as Marco says it takes a long time to open heck you should have tried writing it LOL

Pikey just saved us from a fate worse then death, it seems when you use the method for doing reports in word, if you change the title it goes nuts. Now that was exactly what I was bout to do. Thanks Pikey

Well lets get to the important things first, I just love hugging those little cuties. Wife humors me and takes the photos what a gal.






Mine is a difficult existence at best, but I try my best to make endurable what considerable effort on my part I might say.


We stayed two nights at the Khon Kean Orchid Hotel ( 043-334000) or there are other photos of this trip in my album here … .

550 a night King size bed, immaculate. Large room with TV and Aircon that will freeze you out. Multiple English channels on the t TV, Free coffee and toast in the morning. Or you can opt for a good English breakfast for a 100 Baht. For us bad back folk great beds. Hard to find better hosts the Derreck and his wife. Just good people.


Or bikes were well cared for, someone watched them all night, even saw one guy who may have had a few drinks at the party left his jacket and helmet layin on his bike. Still there in thee morning waiting on him.


The best bike I saw all weekend that’s a 100HP Buell engine in that Puppy. It’s not just show it’s go as well. That’s riggers bike ( Brett) from the White e devils group. I wish somebody could explain to me how he can that I can’t an 1100cc engine in 400 Dragstar. Something does not equate here,


This time the Camera Lady gets credit that Poi back there just shooting her little heart out.


Now mind you she is doing that with nut bucket sitting in front of her, where others are hanging on for dear life


So the ride starts from the show. Later I heard some guys complaining that some got left behind this wa the most organized event I have seen thus far. Five minute verbal warning and then a Police car with a siren going that went with us the entire 150 Klm ride and support vehicles behind that,

See there was something I knew they didn’t know that Was Tony, Peter and the guys, they had no intention of riding at a slow pace with us. They were going to do what they do LOL


I won’t go into to much about where the event was held since It won’t be there next time. But it took up about five Rai of concrete. I saw Harley Davidson and Yamaha. I didn’t see Truimph. Kawasaki or BMW there I think that was big mistake the place was packed.


Alvin and his wife



Chris and wife



Dil and Wife


I wish I could name everyone in these photos but over a 100 bikes on this ride, not going to happen I did get to Meet Ian from gtriders heck of a nice guy. Hmmm!!!! 5 & ½ hours to Khon Kean from Chaing Mai me 13 to Udon. But, he had the bike that would do it.
We started out on the Khon Kean loop four lanes all through that with the surprises lying in wait LOL








Then we started hitting the two lane road and heaven knows how many little villages, not a dog in sight that’s a pretty loud roar with a 100 bikes. The villagers were lined up like we were on a parade route smiling and waiving. Very common when a ride group goes through an Issan village. We did find a few bumps. Heck the guys from Bangkok thought they were pot holes, good road to us Issan guys LOL. Found three cattle hers and rode through one of them with a farmer trying to control them with shear panic in his eyes LOL







Our first break 95 Klms out time for fuel and some cold drink and where we found out one of our riders went down. Sad but it does happen lucky very slow speeds and no injuries except a few scratches on the bike and sore shoulder. She had on good equipment. Seem a rider in front of her did a panic stop because of some bumps so she went down to avoid hitting the other rider. She is a new rider her and Husband Wiley are new rider to the list. The support vehicle was going to load her bike in the pickup and give her air-conditioning to ride in. She would have none of that she started that ride on a bike and she was finishing on a bike what a trooper.




This was without a doubt the best paint job I saw on the ride and it moved right along as well.


So off we go to Ubon Rat Dam and a ride around the lake, Now we got some good curves and great roads we could move along again and truly enjoy our hobby.









Sorry guys no good photos or the good curves, for some reason the bike was handling perfectly and I was doing to some passing through this area, so she was holding on for dear life she will do that from time to time


Arriving at the school, this Is a good time to say a bit about he Harley Dealership from Bangkok. On the Udon ride II wa very disappointed with the Harley riders ran off from the rest of us leaving I u in the dust ride probably was spread out about 25 Klms. This guys were a huge help got to every intersection before we did stopped traffic so we could stay together, They made the ride that much more enjoyable. Events like this are group activities not Macho stuff I can run faster then you. These guys recognized that and it was a pleasure to ride with them.


The entire school lined up to greet us.


The kids really enjoyed the bikes and a few even got rides


What does rider do when the there is a ride break well it depends John from the VFW had one approach, he probably did work that 200 Phantom a bit.


Tex on the other hand had a very different approach, where he got that energy in the heat I will never know.


Man they prepared feast for us



You know I’m not going to name him nor are there in photos of him on here there were but I deleted them. He spent the entire time while we were eating sitting next to Thai riders complaining about the food and facilities, what a arrogant wanker. I was beginning to wonder if he really believed Thai’s in Issan didn’t speak English. That was the first time o in my life that I apologized for another bikers behavior. I did my apology in Thai truthfully more then he deserved. I wonder if the ignorant fool realized those kids who were serving us and the villagers who prepared our food weer going to be eating our leftovers for lunch

The wards started the Khon Kean Committee, gave the school money, then Harley, then Yamaha. Followed by a donation form the Eagle Riders, Which ended up being two when they saw they needs of the school. Took up a second collection right there as Did Chaing Mai, Kallisen, Khon Kean, Bangkok and several others tow many fro me to remember I know I’m missing some for that I apologize but here were a lot donating.



John H Gooding doing his thing in English and Thai, that was one busy guy through this event


Kharum from Eagle Riders Presenting money to the school


After lunch and enjoying the school we headed back to Khon Kean not a slow paced ride his time 130 Klms, we had spent to much time at the school and were late. Like I said John was one busy guy, he held back and made sure the slower riders got back. I would also like to add a thank You to the Khon Kean Tourist Police for there escort to and from the school. After watching Gregs video I realized that I missed a lot. Man it was hot, So we headed back to the room and got a shower a cool down and went back at 1830 to see the fireworks. Entry w 200 baht and you go your moneys worth in entertainment. I even found a booth with a hamburger nice change. There was huge crowd when we returned.


You know I hate to say this but truth is truth this was a much better event then Udon. I’m from Udon, but you could see the extra effort put into this one. Both the foreign community and Thai’s as well were well informed on this one. It showed in the attendance. I’m afraid Udon really didn’t put much effort into the Foreign biker community, that was mistake. I watched John for two day he worked his butt off a Big thanks for all his hard work, it really showed in the event.

We got news that Dil and Ralph went down on Sunday on the way back called Dils wife Mai and she said everyone is OK.

Talk about having a heart attack I was on my last line of this an we had a power failure. At this point I’m really glad I have battery back up. Not sure I could do this again LOL


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai

Nice to see first report out from KK bike week, and you guys really enjoyed your self, sad that i could not be there,, i know what i missed...well next year,maybe.

nice pictures and im really surpriced that there was some one who openly complaining about food and thai hospitality,, well you did right not to show his pictures,,,im sure he will regocnice him selfs on these reports and think again what has been said.

again ray thank you for sharing and been waiting for many day to see something about it...

Tony,,any night 'Soda Water' shows?

what happen to Trent?...any one??
Dec 27, 2007
Outstanding report Ray! Great pics too!

Man... we all know the wanker you're talking about, and just when you think he couldn't sink any lower he goes and pulls another stunt. I'm glad I wasn't there- I'd have hauled him off behind the school and whooped some sense into him.

Fortunately the guy doesn't have a bike (the one he rode to the event was "borrowed" without permission. (Same as stealing?) So anyway- with luck he won't make future rallies.

I'd love to share some pictures but had a minor equipment malfunction :wink:

Great times!
We'll be rolling through Udon on the SSR Epic Ride around March 7th-8th or so and hope we can hok up then.
Happy Trails!


Oct 2, 2008
Couldn't go as I work unfortunately but I found this pic from a mate, so guess who...
<img src=""PHOTO%20DELETED"" alt="" />

No nudity on GT Rider please lads. Let's just stick to bikes 'n roads ' scenery. What you do after hours in your room is not anyone else's business & does not belong on GT Rider. Keep the bar talk & piccies to the bar & / or yourselves. Thanks.
Davidfl / sometimes Admin. :)


Oct 14, 2005
she might have been stage left LOL

Tony i've only run into a few jerks in six years gets real simple I dont ride with them. They usually bury themselves quickly.


Oct 26, 2006
Good report Ray and I do think it was a lot better this year, I took home the best custom harley trophy :D so I was pretty happy and we kept the party going until late sunday night :twisted:
Sep 4, 2007
Thanks Ray for your great report and pics, I did not have time to get my camera out so your pics are appreciated. For me the happy smiling people in the village and the school as we rode up were the highlight of the weekend.
I hope Bard not offended by David keeping an eye on the site sights, but I must say I often send links to these reports to my kids in the UK to show the sorts of things we see motorcycling in Thailand. That pic left in would have stopped me being able to do that. Not a prude but a place for everything.


Oct 14, 2005
Rigger you been working those oil fields just to long. I think it's time for a good vacation.

You know I know the photo was in good fun, but I do send these links to my kids so they know what the old man is up to. If I were do be involved in that I doubt I would be sharing it with them.

It was in good fun and I know that but we could do that via e-mail.


Oct 2, 2008
Now I know, so no more nudity which means we have to censor pictures with Trent a lot before we post.

No bad intentions guys, so forgive my ignorance.

Cheers Bard


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
bard wrote: Now I know, so no more nudity which means we have to censor pictures with Trent a lot before we post.

No bad intentions guys, so forgive my ignorance.

Cheers Bard

No worries mate. I too have been guilty of the odd indiscretion or two.
Please keep contributing, but skip out the bar girl stuff. Many of the guys on this forum are "more mature" with family members who like to see what we are up to. So the cleaner it stays the more leave passes some guys will get to come & ride with the GT riders. :D

:idea: What happens on the road stays on the road - there's no need to share girly photos on this forum. In the long run it works against us, & "we all" want to keep getting leave passes & riding with our mates.

"Yeah we've heard they are out there somewhere but we never saw or met any". :wink: :wink:

Good stuff for getting in there with our Thai friends & helping to organise the KK Bike Week. I bet they appreciated it as much as you did getting the info out in English for the non-Thai biking community.
Take a bow. You're a star TV & all!


Oct 14, 2005
Now remember bard e-mail I need things to m nail trent with at the next meeting :lol: :lol:


Oct 26, 2006
ray23 wrote: Rigger you been working those oil fields just to long. I think it's time for a good vacation.

You know I know the photo was in good fun, but I do send these links to my kids so they know what the old man is up to. If I were do be involved in that I doubt I would be sharing it with them.

It was in good fun and I know that but we could do that via e-mail.
I removed my post and I suggest you remove yours as I wouldnt want your kids reading it. It didnt see anything wrong with what I wrote, hell I am not the one posting the pics.


Oct 14, 2005
Sorry Rigger bad writing as usual,the pohot part was Bard, the joke was for you..