Found a new leather shop in town.
Dawood Leather Craft
44 Sri Dornchai Road.
Chiang Mai.
Tel: 0818823709 & 0819938682.
A smart new shop with belts, vests, bags, saddle bags & jackets.
Mainly geared towards the custom / cruiser / Harley set, but well worth checking out.
The jacket pictured above quoted cost 9,000 baht.
But I note that he’s got the real thing - a heavy duty leather sewing machine - so my guess is that he should be able to repair / stitch up anything.
Dawood Leather Craft
44 Sri Dornchai Road.
Chiang Mai.
Tel: 0818823709 & 0819938682.
A smart new shop with belts, vests, bags, saddle bags & jackets.
Mainly geared towards the custom / cruiser / Harley set, but well worth checking out.
The jacket pictured above quoted cost 9,000 baht.
But I note that he’s got the real thing - a heavy duty leather sewing machine - so my guess is that he should be able to repair / stitch up anything.