Link with Thaivisa on Motorcyclist forum

May 25, 2006
Hi David,

Reading at my mails, I was wondering if you did not settled any agreement with Thaivisa as they are launching a Motorcyclist forum on their site ?


"-----Original Message-----
From: [email [email protected]][email protected][/email] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of News Editor
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 2:04 AM
To: Azoulay, Laurent
Subject: [] Recent postings at Thaivisa Forums / Week in review

Recent postings at Thaivisa Forums / Week in review

Two police officers caught in drugs sting, Korean man arrested for stealing drinking water in Pattaya, volunteer visas, and new dedicated forum for motorcyclists in Thailand."

Mar 15, 2003
Thai Visa has had a motorcycle SUB forum for a long time. They are just now changing it's category to give it it's own main forum listing. Not a big deal really. Nothing affiliated with GT-Rider.
Apr 10, 2006
Imho the least this site has to do with Thaivisa the better. I've never encountered so many hypocritical and judgemental arseholes as on there, the type who make posts based on 10% known facts and 90% bullshit.


Feb 21, 2008
Bush Pilot wrote: There is also an interesting group of motorcyclists on

Thai Visa is sterile and over moderated.
Topic closed because etc , etc :lol: Must be the most over policed forum on the planet :roll:


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
penetrator wrote: Imho the least this site has to do with Thaivisa the better. I've never encountered so many hypocritical and judgemental arseholes as on there, the type who make posts based on 10% known facts and 90% bullshit.
100% on you side matey.TV is one of the worst forum have seen.

Keep the GTR 1000miles away or even related of that page..that again is my opinion


Oct 2, 2008
I agree, I have been through a shitstorm over there, and I see GT-R as the only serious motorcyclist forums in Thailand. There are rider clubs with forums but none are like GT-Rider nobody has better information and has so much to offer for motorcyclists in Thailand.

The over moderated TV is absolutely no fun, mostly scooter talk and quarrels anyways.

GT-Rider rocks in my humble opinion.
Sep 4, 2007
Just putting in a positive note, I found Thai Visa very useful a few years ago when I was getting up to speed on Visa issues, before and during my move over here. There was quite a bit of wheat amongst the chaff.

Plainly it is now seeking to be a Thai Everything Forum and as you good folks have pointed out, it just cannot be the best in every field. Unlike GT Rider, which is clearly number one in the bike field.
Yes Teakdoor has some interesting bikers and topics but I am just not in tune with its tone. Good though to have different tones which plainly suit some folks.
May 25, 2006
Hi Friends,

thanks for all comments and answer, I would never imagine that this would have provoked so many answers...

I, personnally, 500 % completly agree on the bs judgements on Thaivisa and wonder whoc could be behind this site ...

As Marco said, please, "Keep the GTR 1000miles away..."

When I wrote the question to David, you would had remarked that I worded it with "I was wondering if you did not settled any agreement with Thaivisa..."

I was really a negative wonder and here I think we are quite some of the same opinion...

Keep The Power On
Oct 17, 2006
Do not have anything to do with Thai Visa Forum..they are over moderated ,full of scammers and liars its a forum of idiots and corporate greed

monsterman wrote: Do not have anything to do with Thai Visa Forum..they are over moderated ,full of scammers and liars its a forum of idiots and corporate greed
Can you be a bit more specific Jerry? :mrgreen:

Agree - bunch of negative w*nkers on TV. Like John G, I used it to gather info before making my move over here a few years ago but if I visit the site (rarely nowadays), I leave thinking about the time I have just wasted reading shite....


Mar 15, 2003
pikey wrote: [quote quote=monsterman]Do not have anything to do with Thai Visa Forum..they are over moderated ,full of scammers and liars its a forum of idiots and corporate greed
Can you be a bit more specific Jerry? :mrgreen:

Agree - bunch of negative w*nkers on TV. Like John G, I used it to gather info before making my move over here a few years ago but if I visit the site (rarely nowadays), I leave thinking about the time I have just wasted reading shite....


It's never a good idea to paint everyone with the same brush. :wink: There are a number of people that post on GT-Rider that also post on TV. I agree that many of the posters fit the above discriptions, but although I seldom look at the motorcycle forum, it is sometimes a good source of informatiion on other topics, until all the silly replies start. :roll:
Oct 17, 2006
I am banned from Thai Visa for doing my usual of warning people of dodgy dealers and scam merchants so a to protect my fellow travellers..I have done on here and other forums ...sure I have been flamed but the truth only hurt the bad guys and I was proved correct about Siam,Racing and others in the long run.

But on Thai Visa I was banned for giving valuable warnings and one of the Mods was actually one of the people who needed mistake ....I know a few people got ripped off by the bogus visa agent and a property developer who i warned them about.Bothe are no longer on Thai visa ,one is in jail and the other dissapeared but I am still banned . SOMNONNa !

Apr 10, 2006
I posted on there for a while and then decided to give it a miss as I got fed up with the 'do as I say not as I do' attitude so prevalent on there. I went back on there for a look about months later and someone had linked a youtube vid of mine riding on the Sukhumvit back to Pattaya from Rayong. If people want to abuse me for the way I SOMETIMES ride then fair enough, but to post surmised crap about me whilst knowing absolutely nothing about me is typical of that forum, seems because I was riding back to Pattaya therefore the girl on the back (my girlfriend of 5 years who is a senior ICU nurse in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital) has to of been a bargirl I'd only just met. One of the guys so vocal in his condemnation of my brief riding style had posted about a week before how he'd had a brief episode of madness on his bike himself, he got all bitchy when I quoted him on this. I'd only posted the vids to share with my friends back home but another guy who jumped on the bandwagon had posted his own youtube riding vids seemingly as an extension of his penis. There truly is some sad unfulfilled individuals over there.
Oct 17, 2006
Penetrator the heroic riding style of yours is the reason You NEED an ICU Nurse as a girlfriend. Does she also do Psychotherapy?

Mind you , your front tyres probably never wear out cos they never touch the road.


Aug 20, 2003
Ha ha, this is funny, a discussion about the thai visa forum here on gt-rider... here's my 2 cents: I joined years ago and asked a question on that forum and then got several replies that quite upset me and I said to myself: What a bunch of stuck up knobjockeys with a super-size stick up their arses! I never went back to that forum again.
That said, the site is full of reliable information, lots of answers to questions new arrivals may have. But a forum rises and falls with its members and their posts, and after being in Thailand for over eight years, I have to say that GTR is still my favorite site. BahtSold is also good, they send me news updates for years.
Nov 21, 2008
seem to me that tv is more for the bar to bar bikers of pattaya,real dedicated bikers will eventualy find this page as there will never be any competition i do not think it does any harm to get this forum known on thai visa.
As for scamers,they are evrywhere in thailand not only on thai visa,but it would be sad too see them selling dodgy bikes dodgy gem stones,stocks or whatever on this forum.
gt rider seem to gather a more experienced readership with a higher level of knowlege about thailand and asia in general
if living in soi 6 in pattaya you probably got another hobby than motorcycles
Apr 10, 2006
monsterman wrote: Penetrator the heroic riding style of yours is the reason You NEED an ICU Nurse as a girlfriend. Does she also do Psychotherapy?

Mind you , your front tyres probably never wear out cos they never touch the road.
I'm no different to most riders, I spend at least 90% of the time at a comparitively reasonable rate of speed and have the occasional blast. It would be a rather boring vid to post of riding on the inside lane of the Sukhumvit at 50mph behind Somchai in his rusty pick up.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone I say 8)
Nov 7, 2007
monsterman wrote: I am banned from Thai Visa for doing my usual of warning people of dodgy dealers and scam merchants so a to protect my fellow travellers..I have done on here and other forums ...sure I have been flamed but the truth only hurt the bad guys and I was proved correct about Siam,Racing and others in the long run.

But on Thai Visa I was banned for giving valuable warnings and one of the Mods was actually one of the people who needed mistake ....I know a few people got ripped off by the bogus visa agent and a property developer who i warned them about.Bothe are no longer on Thai visa ,one is in jail and the other dissapeared but I am still banned . SOMNONNa !

Hi monsterman,

well i also joined the banned club from thaivisa. I invited posters interested about tiger and sachs bikes( they posted in those threads on TV ) to the tiger sachs Forum via pm ...that was about 15invites or so ( i am guessing the nr 'cause i can't enter my pm box anymore either) and they banned me for spamming....i know there is more to it and it certainly is something some moderators didn't like before( i can think of at least 2 but one isn't a mod anymore so it's got to be just the one) .. in any case i saw myself as a contributor to the forum and since i can't contribute over there i don't think it is a loss for me really. It sure seems a lot of greed that thaivisa is having and certain posts seemingly just against their likings( they should make a new forum rule for that too- Forum rule # 2350934: if you post what we don't like we delete and you be banned for the next 500 years) .... a bit like "chinese freedom of speech" there.

It would be better for those guys from thaivisa to get a real job as they seem to make a living out of a forum and need all this massive advertisements which is anyways mostly useless crap, scams or ripoffs or politically sided.
But maybe they have no other skills or professions and can only do the one thing ...

Funny too...2 days before i was asked to advertise for the Thaivisa/the nation dragonmc Charity event on tiger sachs forum/website ...which i did on forum and on index page...2 days later i was banned...thats what i call a super & grateful feedback.

Ads for the Charity event are still up for the kids sake.

Sep 22, 2008
"Funny too...2 days before i was asked to advertise for the Thaivisa/the nation dragonmc Charity event on tiger sachs forum/website ...which i did on forum and on index page...2 days later i was banned...thats what i call a super & grateful feedback.

Ads for the Charity event are still up for the kids sake."

Mbox.. I asked you to do that on behalf of the Dragons Mc , NOT TV. And you very kindly did it for us. Myself and Chris from the Dragons Mc really appreciate what you did for the event. fortunately we are not TV mods so that meant we had no control of that situation.

I did get you a wicked funny name to use on TV if you remember.
Thanks again for putting the article up on
:D :D :D


Oct 14, 2005
Interesting I have done duplicate ride reports and wa actually cleared to just post the lonk to GTriders. But since then I have learned how to do it without the link. The same with Udon ma, Teak Door would not allow it,

The real reason is so riders can find other riders in their area and generally support the sport.

They are no threat to Gtriders believe me. No comparison, I mentioned something forbidden once. I was wrong I aopoligized as it was an error on my part. It ended there.
Nov 7, 2007
thaicbr wrote: "Funny too...2 days before i was asked to advertise for the Thaivisa/the nation dragonmc Charity event on tiger sachs forum/website ...which i did on forum and on index page...2 days later i was banned...thats what i call a super & grateful feedback.

Ads for the Charity event are still up for the kids sake."

Mbox.. I asked you to do that on behalf of the Dragons Mc , NOT TV. And you very kindly did it for us. Myself and Chris from the Dragons Mc really appreciate what you did for the event. fortunately we are not TV mods so that meant we had no control of that situation.

I did get you a wicked funny name to use on TV if you remember.
Thanks again for putting the article up on
:D :D :D
Hi Allan,
You are right and on this place it should also be pointed out that i see only the Dragon Mc's effort in this Charity Event which i sincerely hope of being a success. TV seems to be just an advertiser/sponsor there.

I know the wicked name is nice ,but i really don't feel like contributing on TV anymore....
Besides if a banned member returns with a different user name he will be banned too as per another of their never ending forum rule list.
Nov 7, 2007
ray23 wrote: Interesting I have done duplicate ride reports and wa actually cleared to just post the lonk to GTriders. But since then I have learned how to do it without the link. The same with Udon ma, Teak Door would not allow it,

The real reason is so riders can find other riders in their area and generally support the sport.

They are no threat to Gtriders believe me. No comparison, I mentioned something forbidden once. I was wrong I aopoligized as it was an error on my part. It ended there.
Ray, i have posted about it on Tiger sachs before , in case you didn't read it there here is the link which you can read through :


Oct 14, 2005
I'm already signed up for it. Sometimes I spend to much time on the Puter instead of riding :roll:
Nov 7, 2007
ray23 wrote: I'm already signed up for it. Sometimes I spend to much time on the Puter instead of riding :roll:
i hear ya :D ....same for me ...but i manage to escape the "screen" for a while to have a little ride...just got back and feeling better.

btw you still need to verify the TS-Forum membership (it's an email that supposed to be in your mailbox - if it's not there let me know,ok?)

cheers & happy trails,


Feb 16, 2007
KZ wrote: Ha ha, this is funny, a discussion about the thai visa forum here on gt-rider... here's my 2 cents: I joined years ago and asked a question on that forum and then got several replies that quite upset me and I said to myself: What a bunch of stuck up knobjockeys with a super-size stick up their arses! I never went back to that forum again.
That said, the site is full of reliable information, lots of answers to questions new arrivals may have. But a forum rises and falls with its members and their posts, and after being in Thailand for over eight years, I have to say that GTR is still my favorite site. BahtSold is also good, they send me news updates for years.
Agree 100% with everything above. There really is no reason to have to wade through the BS at TV. Anything (far beyond MC topics) you need to know can be found right here at GTR without the attitude.