Looking to buy Road King or Heritage Softtail

Oct 15, 2006
Hi guys,
I may be in the market for another Harley. I'm pretty much interested in anything, except for Sportsters. I love Shovels, but realizing that Shovel parts may be hard to come by in Thailand (as well as tools), I will probalby have to settle for one of the Evo's.
I'm looking for a bike with legal papers, so I can take it back home to Canada with me, if I ever need to one day.
The price will have to be right (cheap), if I am to part with my cash right away, otherwise, I will probalby be looking for a while.

I'm sort of getting tired of my 400cc Honda Steed, after riding my Shovel for so many years. It just doesn't have enough power and the vibration and sound isn't the way I like it. [:)]

So if you own a Harley you would like to sell, let me know, or stop by at Mon and Kurt's Restaurant and Guesthouse in Chiang Dao. (2.5km north of the Chiang Dao 7/11)

The more people I meet, the better I like my dog.
Oct 17, 2006
mike at wranglers in pattaya has some nice bikes for sale from about 400,000 also some new bikes as well, where is chiang dao?

monstorman CEO Pattaya International ****ing Corporation.
Oct 15, 2006
Hi Monsterman,
Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.
Chiang Dao is in the North of Thailand. We are 75km North of Chiang Mai.
Very beautiful up here. Just got up (7:15am) and there is fog everywhere. It's nice and cool, too here at night. Don't even need a fan.
Riding at night, it can get really cold.
We have a guesthouse and restaurant here, so it will be a while before I get a chance to go to Pattaya, but I will look for his website. The prices sound right. 400000 for an Evo that is not a Sportster would not be bad at all. Sounds like similar prices to back home in Canada.
If you are in the neighborhood sometime, stop in and say hello. I am a lifetime HOG member and also a member of a MC, so we decided to give anyone who sees my posts on GT-Rider 10% off on all Farang food. I'd like to see more riders here. Doesn't matter what you ride. This is Thailand [:D]

The more people I meet, the better I like my dog.
Jun 27, 2006
and so kurt, what will happen to the steed? ive been looking to switch from my crotch rocket gsxr to a bike more appropriate for touring. willing to give up power for comfort and manageability. let me know.

Oct 15, 2006
When I get another Harley, I will sell the Steed. Looks like I'll have to put the Harley on hold for another year...we just bought another house and another rai of Land in Chiang Dao, to build another restaurant and more bungalows. So coin will be a little tight until I go back to Canada for a refill next summer ;-)

So it looks like the earliest I can buy a Harley again will be next fall now :-(

Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down



I noticed a new(?) shop in Chiang Mai that has a bunch of H-Ds. If you go out of town on the Nakorn Ping bridge (the iron one) then the shop is about 100m on the left. Saw a couple of dressers plus I think, a couple of lowriders in there. Alternatively, try www.bahtsold.com as i think it was there that I saw a 77 shovel Electraglide. Another good source is www.mocyc.com but that is all in Thai but fairly easy to suss out.

BTW, what is your idea of "cheap" as i reckon you need to budget about 400,000THB for pretty much any H-D here?


Pikey (former shovel, ironhead XLX, Evo & Buell owner)

"No matter how hard you try, you CAN'T polish a turd!"