Laundry Service in Mae Hong Son
Singharatbamrung Road
opposite the Salween Restaurant
70 metres from the Crossroads Pub at the main intersection in town
I got caught out recently with only soggy smelly clothes & needed a fast service where they had a clothes drier, as in the wet season with damp heavy cloud cover you don’t have much chance of drying your clothes out quickly.
The Champ does the job perfectly, fast, friendly, with a smile & cheap.
And for the GPS addicts
N19 18.120 E97 57.892

Singharatbamrung Road
opposite the Salween Restaurant
70 metres from the Crossroads Pub at the main intersection in town
I got caught out recently with only soggy smelly clothes & needed a fast service where they had a clothes drier, as in the wet season with damp heavy cloud cover you don’t have much chance of drying your clothes out quickly.
The Champ does the job perfectly, fast, friendly, with a smile & cheap.
And for the GPS addicts
N19 18.120 E97 57.892
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