The plate is finally on the bike. And yes I like the number 17!
I'm a tourist rider, so I just keep stopping where & when I want to take a happy snap. M
I took the 108 down to Chom Thong and after a coffee at the pump, I u-turned and took the 1009 road to Doi Inthanon.
I took the second left turn and rode through orchards, villages and fields over to the Mae Ya Waterfall Road.
This road passes through a control point and the ticket office insisted on 20 baht for the bike & 20 for me. They insisted that Doi Inthanon rates are higher because the class of the park is higher. - rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb!
The road is a decent road except for a few monor pot holes towards the end.
At the car park, I bought my lunch and was advised that because there were so few people around, I could ride to the waterfall, rather than parking at the barrier & walking 600 metres.
Indeed I was the only visitor today. As I arrived, the rain started pouring and I took refuge in the perfectly placed hut adjacent to the waterfall.
Apparently this waterfall is the largest in Chiang Mai & Her Majesty the Queen visited here a few years ago.
I ate my lunch, toyed with the ants, enjoyed the view & sounds of the water & forest and obviously took some snaps after the rain stopped.
On the way back down to Chom Thong, I came across a Slash style scene, a huge turd in the road and a little way further, the buffalo that dropped it suckling her calf. (Colin - It's got a gps co-ordinate if you need it)
I had originally intended to visit Mae Thea Waterfall today as well but when I arrived at the bottom of the valley, I looked back up towards Mae Thea and thought better of it. One hell of a storm was setting in over the area and I didn't fancy getting that wet.
Once down on the 108, I headed back towards Chiang Mai & then made a stop at Wat Kha Maet.
I did a U-Turn and took the next left and followed the small tracks down to the river.
At the river, I turned left and followed the Mae Ping all the way up to Hang Dong.
And then I came across a new road under construction. This it would seem will link the 108 with the 106 and it will be a decent size road too.
A very pleasant jaunt along the river road.
Distance 146 Km

I'm a tourist rider, so I just keep stopping where & when I want to take a happy snap. M
I took the 108 down to Chom Thong and after a coffee at the pump, I u-turned and took the 1009 road to Doi Inthanon.
I took the second left turn and rode through orchards, villages and fields over to the Mae Ya Waterfall Road.

This road passes through a control point and the ticket office insisted on 20 baht for the bike & 20 for me. They insisted that Doi Inthanon rates are higher because the class of the park is higher. - rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb!

The road is a decent road except for a few monor pot holes towards the end.
At the car park, I bought my lunch and was advised that because there were so few people around, I could ride to the waterfall, rather than parking at the barrier & walking 600 metres.

Indeed I was the only visitor today. As I arrived, the rain started pouring and I took refuge in the perfectly placed hut adjacent to the waterfall.

Apparently this waterfall is the largest in Chiang Mai & Her Majesty the Queen visited here a few years ago.

I ate my lunch, toyed with the ants, enjoyed the view & sounds of the water & forest and obviously took some snaps after the rain stopped.

On the way back down to Chom Thong, I came across a Slash style scene, a huge turd in the road and a little way further, the buffalo that dropped it suckling her calf. (Colin - It's got a gps co-ordinate if you need it)

I had originally intended to visit Mae Thea Waterfall today as well but when I arrived at the bottom of the valley, I looked back up towards Mae Thea and thought better of it. One hell of a storm was setting in over the area and I didn't fancy getting that wet.

Once down on the 108, I headed back towards Chiang Mai & then made a stop at Wat Kha Maet.

I did a U-Turn and took the next left and followed the small tracks down to the river.

At the river, I turned left and followed the Mae Ping all the way up to Hang Dong.

And then I came across a new road under construction. This it would seem will link the 108 with the 106 and it will be a decent size road too.

A very pleasant jaunt along the river road.

Distance 146 Km