My first attempt was on a Honda Dream that I rented in Vang Vieng.Actually I just wanted to use the bike to scope out the condition of the dirt road that starts at Tha Heua.I found the road to be too bumpy for a small bike and realized that a 250cc Baja would be better suited.
I went Back to Vang Vieng to try (for the third time) to get them to send up a 250 Baja from Vientiane.No luck.So I decided to rent an old russian army jeep and managed to only make it as far as Houay Kham (had problems the brakes being seized on on the front right tire).I then went to Vientiane and rented a 250 Honda XR 2- cylinder and started my third attempt from Vientaine.Had a late start because I had to get mirrors put on the bike. It took 2 -1/2 hours to get up to Tha Heua ( 120 km) due to the slow speeding zones through each town and village.Then it took 2 hours to do 74 km to Houay Kham.Then I only managed to do another 40 km toward Long Cheng (where I believe Long Tieng use to be).I decided to turn around at 5:30 pm. I was close but I think I needed to go another 20 km's to get to the secret base.By the time I got back to Houay Kham it was already dark.I then rode to Vang Vieng and spent the night there.I rode 360 km that day (9 hours riding time).The next day I rode back to Vientiane.I am still saddle sore.Right now I'm in Bangkok considering a 4th attempt.I have some pictures of the trips .I just have to figure out how to attach them onto this post.
Latter today
At this point I was 40 km's north of Houay Kham and I think I was about 10 to 15 km's away from Longcheng.
This picture was taken 35 Km's North of Houay Kham.
I went Back to Vang Vieng to try (for the third time) to get them to send up a 250 Baja from Vientiane.No luck.So I decided to rent an old russian army jeep and managed to only make it as far as Houay Kham (had problems the brakes being seized on on the front right tire).I then went to Vientiane and rented a 250 Honda XR 2- cylinder and started my third attempt from Vientaine.Had a late start because I had to get mirrors put on the bike. It took 2 -1/2 hours to get up to Tha Heua ( 120 km) due to the slow speeding zones through each town and village.Then it took 2 hours to do 74 km to Houay Kham.Then I only managed to do another 40 km toward Long Cheng (where I believe Long Tieng use to be).I decided to turn around at 5:30 pm. I was close but I think I needed to go another 20 km's to get to the secret base.By the time I got back to Houay Kham it was already dark.I then rode to Vang Vieng and spent the night there.I rode 360 km that day (9 hours riding time).The next day I rode back to Vientiane.I am still saddle sore.Right now I'm in Bangkok considering a 4th attempt.I have some pictures of the trips .I just have to figure out how to attach them onto this post.
Latter today
At this point I was 40 km's north of Houay Kham and I think I was about 10 to 15 km's away from Longcheng.
This picture was taken 35 Km's North of Houay Kham.