NE Thailand?

Aug 11, 2003
Will be riding this December around CNX and am considering a ride south from Nan to Uttaradit and then east from there towards Undn Thani and continuing to the Lao border ares at Nakhon Phanom.

My question is: Is anyone familiar with this eastern region of Thailand with regards to guesthouses and areas of interest.

From the Lao border area I am also looking at continuing onto Ubon Ratchathani and Nakhon Ratchasima and perhaps down to the Cambodia border area.

If there are any riders with experience in this region? I would appreciate any info that you are willing to share.


Jan 20, 2003
I have done the trip a few times, but I have always gone from Udon Thani into Laos, and exited Laos near Ubon - then returning to Chiang Mai.

You are asking about a large area. Send me an e-mail with specific plans, and I will try to help you out.


[email [email protected]][email protected][/email]
Aug 11, 2003
Thanks for replying Bob,

Been all around No. Thai twice previously. Interested if it is worth my extra days or a week exploring NE Thai w/o going into Laos by bike? (i.e., ample gas, guesthouses - towns to stay in, patrol stations, etc.)

Gracious to all for any contribution.


Jan 20, 2003
There is not much to see between Ubon and Nakhon Ratchasima except for some Khymer temples. The temple south of Ubon - Wat Preah Viharn - is not always open to visitors.

The riding is fairly flat and boring - not many curves until you get back towards the North. Never had any problems with gas and lodging, but I usually stayed in the larger towns.

Someone else will have to comment on the Udon - Ubon riding on the Thai side. On the Lao side, the main road is Rt 13, which is a good conditon speed run. You can get some better riding in if you go further east in Laos.

Feb 6, 2003
I'll do this ride w/ya...Or something similar. Will be in CNX for 26 days (Mid-Nov to Mid-Dec). Usually do street bikes around 400cc's. But perhaps a knobby-tyre 250cc may work better? And...HI BOB!
StanG "The Bi-Guy".
Aug 11, 2003
I'll be with my significant other Bruce whom has never been to Thai. He's an audacious dirt bike aficionado. We only plan on staying in CNX no more than 2 nights then gone for the remaining time until CMX Bike Week.

Seems you & Bob know one another. Is he your significant other? [;)] The city "Phayao" is known for Bi-s, rather beautiful ones. Most haven't completed the full sex change. Either way, I'm not bias. So maybe we can all meet up there for a day ride.

Thanks Bob & pls disregard if I'm wrong above. I surely don't want to get bored if NE is flat. I just might do Laos as you said since I'll be with man this time around.



Jan 20, 2003
Hi Delilah

Met Stan in Thailand last year, but never travelled with him. He could be light in the loafers - but I don't know and I don't care.

If so - he is definitely not one of the beautiful ones.

Feb 6, 2003
HaHaHa...HoHo....Thats Rich!...Can't wait till we all meet up somewhere and tip a few...the laughs should get uproarious by then. I have an 'in-significient' other there and hopefully I can duck low enough so as to not be seen by him, or her,er...whatever is runnning around town while I'm there...Ah, Thailand!

BTW, what is a "full" sex change???...Can you imagine merely a partial?
And which part? Is there a catalogue? Can I order?
Feb 6, 2003
Well Ok, lets change this routing to: Cnx-Pai-Mhs; meander to Tak (via Mae Sot?) Then: Kammphaing Phet-Sukhothai-Phitsanulok-Nakhon Sawan-Ayuthaya. Fiddle faddle there, then on to the Cambodia border on Hiway 33 overnighting at Aranya Prathet. Into Cambodia to Siem Reap for Angkor Wat. At least 2 nights at Siem Reap before doubling back on same route to Aranya Prathet again. Look for that road south to Chanthaburi and either go south from there to Ko Chang (real get-a-way island) and/or up to Pattaya for some beachcombing. From there I have Thai friends in that area and at Khorat so I will split off, eventually returning to CNX. Now this is a big ride and figure 21-24 over-nights.

Only concern is the Cambodian part with Thai plates on bike and the requisite papers the Camb Authorities may need. Camb visa's are issued on arrival at airports but not sure about land crossing.

The visa question is important 'cause otherwise you'll need to have your passport at a Cambodian colsulate in Thailand and that may take several days and passports are needed by bike rental shops for security against the bike being returned."Catch-22"?

Life Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
(Delilah gets a lot of hits doesn't she?)
This post is getting good.
Its been awhile since I did a grand tour of Esarn, but the night life memories are all good (although I cant recall any gender benders), with the riding just so, so......
Anyway, from what I've done the last year (which is only Cnx - Loei - Nong Khai, my tips from Chiang Mai are
1. LOEI: Kings Hotel. A steal @ 370 baht a night, off-season. Muang Loei Pub for good food, atmosphere & music.
2. BEST ROADS: N-E Thailand is generally flat / straight undulating, with just a few good hilly / steep & winding roads. The ones that stick in the mind are
a. Routes 1246 - 1143 are good. (Uttaradit - Chat Trakarn - Nakhon Thai)
b. Route 211, from Chiang Khan to Tha Bo, basically along the Mekong.
c. Route 213, thru the Phu Phan Nat Park is also ok, but the really good twisty bit is less than 30 kms! Wonderful memories of this road, years ago.
d. LOEI PROVINCE is just about all good for sport bike riding, fast flowing, hilly / steep; but if your one on 250 it will be flat stick all the way. On a 250 the good ones to have fun on are, route 2013 from Nakhon Thai - Dan Sai, route 2331 from Nakhon Thai - Lom Kao thru Phu Hin Rongkla Nat park is arguably the most amazing road I have been on in Thailand, route 12 from Phitsanulok - Khon Kaen is an unreal FAST flowing ride on a bike (bigger than a 250), route 2216 thru Nam Nao Nat park is also a good ride, route 2016 aint too bad; then any of the Khao Khor roads west of Phetchabun, routes 2258, 2302, 2325 are also very good, steep & winding, but short.
e. From Nan / Na Noi south, any of the roads along the border are fun on a small bike. However I am still unsure if they are all asphalt. There might be a bit of easy dirt there somewhere on 1083 / 1123 / 1268 still.(Perhaps I should get over there & check em out again. BobS - whaddya you know? You were over there last year?)
f. Route 2113 Dan Sai - Na Haew is a very good ride, as is route 1268 along the border (to the route 1237 & 123349 turn offs) & especially on a 250 - it is narrow, tight steep & winding!

Last but not least I could handle another night in Dan Sai (of all places)with the right group of girls & guys.

Keep the power on
Feb 6, 2003
Hi Dave! Thanks, good man. Good info. Think Delilah, her 'other' and I have decided to do the run MHS loop + the rest, a more southerly run on into Cambodia. Still co-ordinating off-board w/her as to actuals but this stuff you mentioned sounds good as well. Given the old time/money equasions maybe some compromise will have to be made. Lookin' fwd to seeing you once again in a few months. How's Meow?

So, no sex-change items parts catalogue to order from?
....Could use a new *****

Life Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Stan the man good to hear from you.
Indeed it wil be good to see you again at either Rudi's Sax Bar or the Kafe. Meow's doing just fine - in love with her first car, & forgotten? about me = more riding for me away from home!

Keep the power on
Aug 11, 2003
Hello commendable David, thanks for firing away with your best shot.

My collegial Deuce party : two’s splendid company, apparition of faces; three’s a crowd.

You have such a vision for such a place; Dan Sai NE or SE?

No wonder Freud loved literature.

Feb 6, 2003
Well Ok, it was a shot in the dark anyway. My dates are "Iffy" at any rate as am working on a possible free-bee and may not arrive in time as have to wait for my "free-bee" Ok which will not be known until Mid-October. I am doing my plan MHS Loop Plus...Dates/company to be determined.

Life Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously