The 4th edition of the GT Rider Laos map is being printed at the moment with scheduled delivery from Bangkok to Chiang Mai due on March 29.
UnclemeatUnclemeat wrote: Is it available in Bangkok?
Rudisaxonator wrote: Hey David,
your new map is great, the old one I lost so I cannot even compare and at the end I allways keep buying them no matter where I find them and what they cost, normally I look up the roads and then forget to take out the map again when on the road. That's why I allways end up somewhere else, which is sometimes great.
Cheers Rudi
Martinmartinwhite45 wrote: I recently bought the previous one (mailed to Australia), is it much different?
I am planning a ride through Loas in early 2010, should I upgrade my map?
Sweet, I will order another one then.Davidfl wrote:
There is a big difference in maps. The current edition came out in March 2009. The next edition should be early 2011.