Got any recommends for this place? The Nong Kaiu Riverside Resort is full up.
I saw MotoRex's mention of the Seng Dao GH, googled it, but couldn't come up with a phone #.
Looked like the Delila's restaurant also had places to stay, but couldn't find any further info.
Sunset GH??
Hope to be there on the 19th January. Traveling with my sister & brother in law from Oregon. They've been to Laos before but only Vientiane and LP. Would like a place with hot water and sitter crappers, if available. TV, too, for Sunee, but not essential. Thai soaps, you know....
Will also be at the Nice GH in Phon Savanh on the 14 & 15th if anyone's around, eating at the Craters I reckon.
Mac, the occasional 4-wheeler
I saw MotoRex's mention of the Seng Dao GH, googled it, but couldn't come up with a phone #.
Looked like the Delila's restaurant also had places to stay, but couldn't find any further info.
Sunset GH??
Hope to be there on the 19th January. Traveling with my sister & brother in law from Oregon. They've been to Laos before but only Vientiane and LP. Would like a place with hot water and sitter crappers, if available. TV, too, for Sunee, but not essential. Thai soaps, you know....
Will also be at the Nice GH in Phon Savanh on the 14 & 15th if anyone's around, eating at the Craters I reckon.
Mac, the occasional 4-wheeler