Just received an unbelievable video in my mail of a "ghostrider" on a sportsbike (Hayabusa?) doing over 270 km/h on public highway, popping wheelies in front of following police cars and doing burn-outs - absolutely mad, this guy. It's called "Final Ride", the guy isn't among us anymore, he died at the age of 42 in a -you guessed it - road accident. But the video is unbelievable, and the soundtrack is cool, too. It's probably on other sites as well, but I got it off a german website called www.verficktescheisse.com, which translates to "f****g sh*t". All kinds of unusual, weird and interesting clips. Punch "ghostrider" into the searchmachine.
Top of the hitlist is "Der Bonker", a musical clip where Adolf Hitler as a computeranimated doll is still at war in his bunker; the chorus sings: "Give up already, you old nazi-pig" but he says he'll never give up. Cute - that's how germans try to get over the guilt of the second world war, trying to laugh about it, 60 years after it ended.
Also check out the drumsolo of the 12 year old black kid, unbelievable!
Top of the hitlist is "Der Bonker", a musical clip where Adolf Hitler as a computeranimated doll is still at war in his bunker; the chorus sings: "Give up already, you old nazi-pig" but he says he'll never give up. Cute - that's how germans try to get over the guilt of the second world war, trying to laugh about it, 60 years after it ended.
Also check out the drumsolo of the 12 year old black kid, unbelievable!