Plastigauge needed ASAP

Mar 11, 2008
I am in need of a range of plastigauge and I need it ASAP, dont want to wait week(s) while it comes in from Europe in the mail. Bad planning on my part but I just assumed any place that rebuilt engines would have to have some.

I have been round all of the engineering and automotive places I can find on Phuket and they either look at me like I have a second head, or otherwise cant help, 90% of places seem to never of heard of this and the remaining 10% just seem to laugh and say Thailand doesnt work to those kind of tolerances !?!?! I mean how does anyone rebuild any form of crank then ?? Please dont say they get 0.00x mm readings out of the micrometers sold here ?? I presume they mean they just throw it together and hope I guess.

Someone somewhere in the country must have it, but enquires about crank rebuilds, bearing crank mating, in fact anything that has to happen down to 0.00x of a mm is just getting smiles, shaken heads, and comments that this kind of level of work is not possible in Thailand, I was even told (by some engineering places and Nat at Piston Shop) that no one in Thailand can rebuild a crank and only a handful can properly grind one !!! I mean I would understand in the boonies but no one in the capital can do these kind of things ?

Surely someone has a source where can I order a range of these vital gauges incountry right now ?? Someone in bangkok racing scenes or engine rebuilds HAS to know. This stuff is kind of essential to properly sort oil clearances.

Any hope, please let me know ??
Oct 17, 2006
That kind of work is done for truck crankshafts all over Thailand but for motorcycle or cars the tolerances will be tighter.See BOY at chicane racing 0892044191 he may know as he races and prepares Ducatis for racing in Thailand also TRD car racers must have a decent engine rebuild specialist somewhere.

Oct 17, 2006
Mitutoyo Thailand must have the gauges they have some showrooms/ calibration centres on the big industrial estates around Chonburi.