Ride Plan:
Udon to Ban Phue
Ban Phue to Nam Som
Nam Som to Na Yung
Na Yung to Sang Khom
Sang Khom to Pak Chom
Pak Chom to Chiang Khan
Chiang Khan to That
That to Na Si
Na Si to Kut Chap
Kut Chap to Udon
This was the original plan the following is what it really ended up being. Best made plans of mice and men Chai Mai? We arrive we have four rider there the fifth is missing. Now this is the guy who usually tapping his toe on the ground waiting on everyone else. I wait five Mins. then give him a call I had confused him about the time.
The plan was to be gassed up and ready to at 0830. Only one guy had done so and it wasn't me
So we decided to meet him at the station.. you know get two birdies one stone. We got two birdies through the day but that was to come later After we get there one of the guys is complaining about the bike was handling sounded like the front tire might be out of round. At least that is the one I had experienced before. To which he responds I have tools. I told him with the ride we had planned there would not be time to work on bikes.
Thought if it was bad enough he would go to shop in town and get his bike fixed. He didn't go anywhere so I thought will it must not be to bad.
I get to our turn off from no one is behind me, that is not good thing when your leading a ride. I thought I w only going 90 on the Nong Khai how any experienced rider could easy do that. So as I'm waiting I'm told the guy is stopped and tinkering with the bike. I said to tell him we don't have time to work on Bikes he is still almost on the city limits go back and get his bike fixed. Everyone catches up again off we go.
I look in mirror a bi down the road I by myself I get a call the guy stopped in service station getting air only had ten pounds in back tire. I'm thinking I know we could not have done that where while we waited on the fifth rider. I look at me trip meter we had went 15 Klms only 432 more to go in our first two hours things were not looking real good.
I'm sitting on the side of the road waiting for guys to catch up two buzz past me. One more gets caught up to me the guy is now unloading his bike to get to his tools and tighten the spokes. Ok that was it tell him to go back to Udon. There would be no place to gte the bike worked on where we were heaidng.
The opthre two guys stop in Ban Phue, one is have a ice coffee. It's suggested we stop at he 7-1 and get some coffee. I had it set up where we were going to stop off and have coffee with Lickey in Nam Som. There goes those two birdies again. Wasn't going to happen to have a easy ride we needed to be on the river by this time. So I had to modify the ride.
Now I am at the point where I am saying the names of towns backwards. Nam Som became Som Nam Ghaing Kan become Kan Chang. not a good omen. :lol:
So we didn't go to Nam Som we went straight to Na Yung then to Pak Chom. This is where I got the first birdie a chicken got bird shit all over the left side of think and high enough to land on my helmet. Thank goodness I had the face shield down I could have ended with a very shitty out look on life for the remainder of the day. we lost a rider for a bit in this stretch as well I was used to him going a 150 Klms between fill ups. Hey I was well trained by this time time for a smoke break.
The following photos are from the section of road beautiful and fun ride. But I didn't get to show anyone the mountain by pass.
Udon to Ban Phue
Ban Phue to Nam Som
Nam Som to Na Yung
Na Yung to Sang Khom
Sang Khom to Pak Chom
Pak Chom to Chiang Khan
Chiang Khan to That
That to Na Si
Na Si to Kut Chap
Kut Chap to Udon
This was the original plan the following is what it really ended up being. Best made plans of mice and men Chai Mai? We arrive we have four rider there the fifth is missing. Now this is the guy who usually tapping his toe on the ground waiting on everyone else. I wait five Mins. then give him a call I had confused him about the time.
The plan was to be gassed up and ready to at 0830. Only one guy had done so and it wasn't me
Thought if it was bad enough he would go to shop in town and get his bike fixed. He didn't go anywhere so I thought will it must not be to bad.
I get to our turn off from no one is behind me, that is not good thing when your leading a ride. I thought I w only going 90 on the Nong Khai how any experienced rider could easy do that. So as I'm waiting I'm told the guy is stopped and tinkering with the bike. I said to tell him we don't have time to work on Bikes he is still almost on the city limits go back and get his bike fixed. Everyone catches up again off we go.
I look in mirror a bi down the road I by myself I get a call the guy stopped in service station getting air only had ten pounds in back tire. I'm thinking I know we could not have done that where while we waited on the fifth rider. I look at me trip meter we had went 15 Klms only 432 more to go in our first two hours things were not looking real good.
I'm sitting on the side of the road waiting for guys to catch up two buzz past me. One more gets caught up to me the guy is now unloading his bike to get to his tools and tighten the spokes. Ok that was it tell him to go back to Udon. There would be no place to gte the bike worked on where we were heaidng.
The opthre two guys stop in Ban Phue, one is have a ice coffee. It's suggested we stop at he 7-1 and get some coffee. I had it set up where we were going to stop off and have coffee with Lickey in Nam Som. There goes those two birdies again. Wasn't going to happen to have a easy ride we needed to be on the river by this time. So I had to modify the ride.
Now I am at the point where I am saying the names of towns backwards. Nam Som became Som Nam Ghaing Kan become Kan Chang. not a good omen. :lol:
So we didn't go to Nam Som we went straight to Na Yung then to Pak Chom. This is where I got the first birdie a chicken got bird shit all over the left side of think and high enough to land on my helmet. Thank goodness I had the face shield down I could have ended with a very shitty out look on life for the remainder of the day. we lost a rider for a bit in this stretch as well I was used to him going a 150 Klms between fill ups. Hey I was well trained by this time time for a smoke break.
The following photos are from the section of road beautiful and fun ride. But I didn't get to show anyone the mountain by pass.