There are malls everywhere in Manila. The security guys pat you down everytime you step into one, and the security guy at McDonald's carries a .45 and opens the door for you.
There are too many fast-food restaurants in the Philipines. They blight the landscape and push the small restaurants into the small back streets where only the local seems to be able to find them.
Traffic is snarled on every street. There is a method to the madness - takes a while to figure it out. The highway is bearable and the skyway (elevated highway) is pratically empty on account of the high toll. The smog in Manila (and pretty much most of the places in Luzon we been to) was bad - just walking about and youll get a film of fumes and smut on you. Most riders ride around with masks - a very good idea if youre living there.
Taal, on the outskirts of Manila, is cool and refreshing after Manila.