Road Udomxai to Luang Nam Tha


Mar 26, 2005
The last stretch of this journey, after you have turned left off the main route 13 to avoid going up to the Chinese border at Boten (think the road is 13B),is not a major asphalt as marked on the Laos Map 2005. There is some major upgrading going on here. The first half of the stretch is unsurfaced hardcore, no loose gravel and not a problem. There is then a short stretch where the road is down to one lane and you may have to wait for diggers to finish working before you are allowed passed. The final stretch into Luang Nam Tha is dirt but very smooth and dry. None of this is a problem on a road bike but it will slow you down so you need to take this into consideration especially if you are riding from Luang Prabang to Luang Nam Tha in one long day. It wouldn't be much fun in the dark.

Helen and Dave

Look at our photos:
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Helen & Dave
Yeah you're not wrong there - they are digging the road up to make a new asphalt one.
Supposedly it will all be finished sometime in 2006 - my guess is the 2nd half of 2006 for the Luang Nam Tha - Huay Sai sector, & the 1st half of 2006 for the Na Toey - Luang Nam Tha sector.
I hope you weren't too inconvenienced by the map "error" & the road works.

What else is new over there - anymore to report?

Make sure you drop in & see my mates Bill, Pawn & Joy at the Boat landing in LNT.

Also if you’ve got time the run down to Xieng Kok from Muang Sing is worth it for nice photos with Akha hill tribes (many of the gals bare breasted for all you hot blooded "types) en route.
But don’t trap yourself into spending a night in Xieng Kok itself – the place & people there suck! Been there 3 times now & never ever had a half decent reception from any of the locals, leaving you with the distinct impression that foreigners are not welcome. A shame as the people in the rest of Laos rate as the friendliest on the planet!

Keep The Power On


Mar 26, 2005
No not much else new. We are on our way back to Vientiane now and may well see you all in CM soon. The unsurfaced raod was not a problem at all but thought it was worth a mention.

Look at our photos:
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Aug 4, 2005
> 2nd half of 2006 for the Luang Nam Tha - Huay Sai sector,<

Eternal optimist.

I travelled to Vieng Poukha a couple of weeks ago, Some of the road they hadn't even started yet. After the Chinese bits finished, the road is still very rrough, they're building a few culverts and bridges, but my guess is late 2007 at the earliest.

But i am looking Fwd to it, being able to travel from Vientiane to luang namtha in comfort, VIA THAILAND!

Chieng Kok : >Been there 3 times now & never ever had a half decent reception from any of the locals, leaving you with the distinct impression that foreigners are not welcome.<

I spent four days there in december, on a job. I found the peopel in the new restaurant (Road up from boat landing, other side of the street) quite friendly, with a waitress even somewhat flirty. But that was probably because I had a male Lao guide half my age with me,
