Hi Dave, Tom, Rudi and any others who might recognise the old black XXR1100 aka ZX11 that is sometimes seen smoking up Moonmuang Road (and any other road for that matter)in Chiang Mai.
Just a quick note to say gidday and inform you that there are a lot of shot up buildings and a number of big road bikes over here in Sarajevo. Oh yes, and the girlies, I thought there was no such thing as a good looking European female, that was a big mistake. They say the ratio is 7 to 1 women to blokes. [8D] Isn't war a wonderful thing!! That'll get a comment or 2.
Missing home but I guess I'll survive.
Just a quick note to say gidday and inform you that there are a lot of shot up buildings and a number of big road bikes over here in Sarajevo. Oh yes, and the girlies, I thought there was no such thing as a good looking European female, that was a big mistake. They say the ratio is 7 to 1 women to blokes. [8D] Isn't war a wonderful thing!! That'll get a comment or 2.
Missing home but I guess I'll survive.