Just to finish this info, got a very perfect email communication with Sylvain and Woddie at Whipping Racing and ordered a SHARK SXR Ramp enduro style helmet. Delivery was promised after Songkran, and voila today got a call from Woddie that the helmet's here. Well didn't have the time to go to his shop so he just said he will drop by and bring it to my place. Ordered an XXL pot as everything smaller is like fitting a condom onto a beer barrel......55555
True to his word I received my new helmet within only half an hour:
Cost me THB 9,700.00 which is a steal compared to other makes. And the best thing of all, as coming from their plant near Klaeng/Rayong it has a manufactoring date of 21st of April 2011, means brand new !!!!! I don't know all brands but found out the SHARK's are a perfect fit for me. Further on does it have a 5 year guarantee !!!!!!!!
Woddies shop is near the moat, sometimes he has a small sign outside, coming from Chanklan Road, it's on your right just before the last 2 small curves before hitting the moat. He also has a small coffee shop and sells special handmade tiles, not easy to find but he said that a new sign will be up soon.
So another perfect SHARK in my list of accessoiries. Airoh will be dumped as in my opinion shobby italian quality.........
Cheers, Franz