Songkhla Lake Tourism Road


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Tourism gateway to Thailand’s largest lake opens in June 2023.

Monday, 23 January 2023


A 10-kilometre scenic road bounding Thailand’s largest natural lake will open in June to draw more tourists to Songkhla province and reduce holiday traffic jams, the Rural Roads Department said Monday.

Construction of the 10.655-km long two-lane road along Songkhla Lake in Krasae Sin district is 70% complete and scheduled to finish in June.

The Sor Khor 4009 rural road starts from kilometre marker 0 in Ranode district and runs along the northeastern shore of Songkhla Lake to the intersection with Highway No 4083 in Ban Krasae Sin village at kilometre marker 10.

The road, which is 7 metres wide and will carry traffic in both directions, is being constructed with a budget of 124 million baht.

The department said it will supplement the existing road network in the southern province and promote tourism on one side of the 1,040-square-kilometre Songkhla Lake.

The road is part of Cabinet’s Thailand Riviera project to promote tourism on the western coast of the Kingdom, it added.

Source: Tourism gateway to Thailand’s largest lake opens in June
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