Finally managed to drag myself away from the Chiang Mai area and head off in the general direction of Laos. I chickened out on David's suggestion of taking the boat to Luang Prabang and am now sitting in Nong Khai ready to cross the Friendship bridge in a couple of days. Just wanted to thank everyone I met up there for all the help, info, good conversation and good rides. Special thanks to David for the ride to Fang (good even through the Jamison haze coming back), John for the good company, good info and the Bike night weekend (Even though he abandoned us in Phrae), and Anne for the same weekends ride. If things go to plan I'll most likely be back for Chiang Mai bike week in December so tell the girls to keep the Singha cold at Jonadda. Ride carefully all and catch you in the future.
Out for a ride
Out for a ride