The Nan-Nanthaburi loop


Mar 18, 2013
A few weeks back I came off 1148 looking for a trail going south and hopefully connect to 1188. It did. The blue track.
A nice valley with some nice jungle and mountains to the east. I started to look if there was a trail over the mountains, and after some research, talking to the locals, I found one.
And what a amazing trail it was. One of the best I have done in Nanthaburi area.
I'll say it again. I'm not the first one riding this, the locals do, they built the trail and maintain it.
I could not find any map that connected these two trails, but many maps has the beginning of either end.
Doi Pha Chang.jpg

And because of the Suan Ya Luang trial there is now a nice Nan-Nanthaburi loop.
Great dirt trails going or coming to Nan from/to CNX and Chiangrai.
NP Suan Ya Luang-Ban Sop Khun loop.jpg

The boring farmland can not be avoided, but most of this loop follow the old trails according to the locals.
Pre communist and pre corporate farming.
Suan Ya Luang 1.jpg

From the top of Suan Ya Luang.
Suan Ya Luang 2.jpg

The top is about 1550 MSL.
Suan Ya Luang 3.jpg

I have been to the second peak in the back ground but not found any trail leading this way.
Google Earth shows this area as without trees. But the bushes is 1-2m high and hard to get trough.
Suan Ya Luang 4.jpg

This is what I like to ride in.
Suan Ya Luang 5.jpg

The locals warned me about fallen trees. So I brought an axe and were confident to get through. Little did i know..
Suan Ya Luang 6.jpg

Luckily the locals had cleared the western part of the Suan Ya Luang trail. There were about 6-7 trees this size over the trail. Some looked to be from previous seasons. If I had to axe myself through I guess I would still be up there.
Suan Ya Luang 7.jpg

The Suan Ya Luang peak is just to the right of the yellow flag. The dirt trail is pointing right at the peak. Just to give you hope.
If there is a bucket list for riding in Nan, this should be on it.
All on OSM map.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have uploaded the traces to OSM via
Traces I uploaded a year ago just recently showed up in OSM, maybe with more uploads of the same traces will speed it up!

Please uploaded the traces.