IROT is not a club, nor will it ever be one. IROT is simply a connection that will be utilized in order to show who the Independent Riders are here in Thailand. This is something that started with a guy from Udon (Ray) and I just expanded on it a little.
We have colors and rockers but we are the riders that don't belong to any club but love to ride and have 3 codes we go by; 1: We don't drink and ride 2; We dont do or get involved in drugs and 3; We try and do the best we can for our communities and ourselves, we try and be upstanding and honest in all we do.
There is no cost to be an IROT except that you must pay same cost we pay for the colors (no mark up etc.)
We will try and set up to meet at one of the rallies twice a year just to share information and get to know one another better.
I am a retired U.S. Marine and don't want any rules or obligations to anyone anymore thus not making this a club. I just would like for the riders that ride for fun, freedom etc. to be able to distinguish one another should we ever meet on the road. We all have the same idea in life and it is great to share this with one another.
I am looking for someone that could possibly set up a website so that we could share experiences and be able to chat with one another more easily. Currently we just email each other. Only 6 Riders wearing these colors currently. And some are husband and wife duo's.
Hope we are not steeping on any club's here in Thailand by doing this as we mean to do no wrong to anyone, here or anywhere else.
I have been a member of clubs in the past and I enjoyed them but now since I am retired but still working in Bangkok I just wanted to expand on the individuals that ride by themselves and are not members of any clubs.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone or any club. I am of the nature that if I cannot give 100% to something then I don't want to be a part of it,thus the reason for IROT. No Rules, No have to's etc. If you can make it then great, if you can not so be it. No one will hold it against you.
Hope this explanation is understandable and that others are ok with it.
It is just a way that we can spot each other at rallies etc. and know that this rider is not in any club but rather just rides to ride and may be able to tell others about his/her journeys.
Dan Lanier
084 660 6460