Friday night in Pattaya- wow, can't remember what I spent, but tight ass Trent figures he spent something like 10,000 Baht...
Not a single pic and that's as it should be!
Crashed just before sunrise and woke up a bit late on Saturday, still drunk... Hangover breakfast and then off we went at 1100 towards Trat and the Hat Lek border town.
I'll let Trent tell you how that went!
Great ride though- not a drop of rain. Superbike Pete- you really are a soft cock!
After the Mission Accomplished (or not?) at Hat Lek we decided it was time to find a place to stay-
Came across this beautiful resort, big beautiful bungalows for only 750 Baht/night.
A remarkable change of pace from the previous night in Pattaya!
Went out for a massage- cute girls, mediocre massage.
Found a really dodgy looking place for dinner with cute Khmer girls who fed us surprisingly good food. Amazed when the bill came- only 620 Baht!
We made some friends at the resort-
Back to Bangkok on Sunday- encountered some patches of rain, at times heavy, but not too bad. By the time we rolled into Bangkok a little after noon the sun was out and we were dry.
Great blast! I'd like to do it again with more time to explore some of the roads in Trat and continue on into Cambodia- Trat reminded me a lot of Kanchanaburi.
The name of the resort: Yataa Spa and Resort:
HIGHLY recommended.
Happy Trails!