Triumph wins Prestigious award!!

Dec 15, 2009
Triumph have just been awarded the prestigious MCN Manufacturer Of The Year award at the NEC bike show.

Despite global sales of 500cc-plus motorcycles plummeting by 31%, Triumph has sold more bikes than ever, opened 39 new dealers across the world and increased its market share in every country in which it operates – they've even got 51 dealerships in Japan (where the Street Triple won Bike of the Year).

British biking just get better & better!
Sep 19, 2006
Good to Hear and Well done Triumph!!! It is a Shame they are so Expensive here in Thailand but I like Mine More every-time I Ride it 8) The Triumph Public Relations is Pretty Good here in Thailand as well. Nice Guys and I must say Asawan has been more than Helpful to Myself and others way beyond the call of Duty. Thanks Mate 8) Keep up the Good Work :wink:
Mar 11, 2008
Well done to triumph and well done for making a full range of desirable machines..

Just such a shame for us locally that their BOI deal was structured differently from Kwakers. Imagine how many they would be selling here if they were (as per globally) about a 30% premium over the Kwaker pricing.
Oct 17, 2006
Triumph BOI deal means thay could sell the Bonnie cheaper for 375,000 but corporate decision has been made to keep the brand exclusive in Thailand and make a ripoff big profit .I bet that when Triumph sales stop flying in other markets and they start having spare capacity ,then the price will fall here.
Mar 11, 2008
All I know is that if either the Speed (pref) or street triples were at UK MSRP there would be one downstairs now..

They are just that bit above the pain threshold for now, so I keep fightering the blade and making do.
Oct 17, 2006
Speed triple and all other triples are made in UK so they will have higher duty anyhow unless Thais change rules ...but the Bonnie is 60% made in Thailand so mis a Thai made bike under the rules.
Mar 11, 2008
Ahh I thought only the triples engines were done in UK and the rest done here.. Hence they could pay the parts import duty on the engine and still be 'made in Thailand'..

But I was also told they made a different BOI deal, whereby more of the assembly was still bonded v Kwakers which was inside the Thai customs zone ??

Not sure if thats bar stool guesswork or not ?? Any comment ??
Sep 19, 2006
The English Managers of the Triumph Factory told me on their Last Visit to Chiang Mai that All Triumph Engines are Made in England and All Development, Prototypes and Testing is done in England but the Assembly of All Triumph Motorcycles if not already will eventually All be done here at the Chonburi Factories! They were building a third Factory Complex! If they wanted to apply for BOI I am sure they would be eligible the same as Kawasaki, Of course that is up to the Franchise Holders BritBikes to decide. I can't see it Personally as they are doing quite OK as they are it seems even with the Prices so High :wink: Selling Heaps of Cheap Bikes Bikes means More Work for less Money and that doesn't appeal to a lot of People 8)


Mar 5, 2006
Ian Bungy wrote: If they wanted to apply for BOI I am sure they would be eligible the same as Kawasaki, Of course that is up to the Franchise Holders BritBikes to decide. I can't see it Personally as they are doing quite OK as they are it seems even with the Prices so High :wink: Selling Heaps of Cheap Bikes Bikes means More Work for less Money and that doesn't appeal to a lot of People 8)
Sadly, this is true.

The Classic 865 & new T-Bird are now almost entirely being made in Chonburi [90-95%].
The 865 mill has recently moved here & 1600 T-Bird engine production engines are both being built here.
There is a reticence to admit to local purchasers that these two range of bikes are in fact Thairumphs!
If you look at the pricing levels they want to be seen in the same band as HD Sportsters & the Classic Dukes.
Though components don't quite match the brembos & ohlins on the Dukes.
In reality the Bonnie range of bikes should be selling just north of 300K.

As mentioned the 1050, 675 & Rocket IIIs are still being made in UK,
so would not be eligible for tax exemption.
But expect more transference over the next few years.
Oct 17, 2006
Britbikes are the villains ,they have been behind the high price Bonnie issue from the begining ,,Triumph should get a new franchisee here in Thailand but politics are also a problem, Its the Thai way max profit for minimum work , same with all the local car frachises , no discounts ,PX next to impossible,take it or leave it attitudes all round.
I will be getting a Bonnie sooner or later here but it will be coming in from Japan at about 200,000 baht + book costs.


Mar 5, 2006
"Vilains" would suggest that BritBikes were cogniscent of Triumph's intention to move the entire 865 model production here.
Conasidering BB's management experience I hardly believed they thought that this would be a possibility.
I believe the issue stemmed to when Triumph first set up their Thai factory after the UK fire.
At that time they had just had their original Thai dealer fail - around 2001 -
as well as the need to focus on restoring the core production back home.
They just did not take into account potential future Thai sales.
OTOH Kawasaki did.
BB are in no real rush to expose their local product by getting the tax authorities to lower the rates.
This would only diminish the cache of the brand,
but also as Ian suggests might increase sales with all the hassle of extra work that entails. TiT
Were you to achieve bikes into the country for 200K+book,
I know of a number who would be interested.
Mar 11, 2008
Personally I dont see the lower priced bikes = more work for them.. After all the tax is just that, a tax, not additional profit.. And I think that same product at a lower price = more sales = more profit..

So all round I see it in Brit Bikes interests to have a lower price point for their machines. But I also see how thats not a major priority for Triumph who have clearly chosen how they want to play it with the BOI and Taxation. Thailand is probably just an afterthought compared to the manufacture side.
Oct 17, 2006
BB have no real relationship with Triumph apart from being a retailer thay are not owned or controlled by Triumph which may be good in the long run as triumph can be ruthless commercially with their dealers.They have form in UK for dumping heabily invested dealers on a whim.
Oct 17, 2006
Any ways ... whatever we discuss or rant about on here its out of our control , except that we have the option of bringing in low mileage second hand bikes at 40% of Britbikes or Ducatistis inflated prices which is exactly what I will do.

But my money will be on Triumph setting up their own distribution in a few years time as the market and production matures.
Dec 15, 2009
Well I for one been very happy with BB service. Happy to pay the price for peace of mind and good ole' fashion proper service.

In the past, was a constant worry if the bike is right. Or the Thai mechanic knows what he is doing.

At least with BB, the head mechanic get sent to UK for training. A positive step in the right direction.


Nov 2, 2007
Hey Monsterman I hope your right as I would luv to own a Bonny SE. Maybe we could do business together ?
I suspect "not on a Yamaha" is associated with Triumphs bikes somehow in Thailand, what other explanation could there be !!!

Oct 17, 2006
Captain_Slash wrote: Jerry I know that Haslemere Motorcycles were dumped by Triumph but that was because they are a bunch of wankers who piss all their customers off. I had not heard about others though, Destination Triumph now have two shops(the other one just outside Guildford) and they speak very favourably about Triumph
They dumped Alfs for Destination, and he was a top dealer , Destination are nice guys too but they had to invest over £1.5m to satisfy Triumph and be a Solus dealer only but they have big pockets as they own a few car franchises too and used to run Bol'dor motorcycles in Worthing ....Triumph did it to about a dozen other smaller good dealers in the same way ,people who had stood by the brand as it was rebuilt from 1991 were dumped without a by your leave in 2004-2005 by Triumph marketing dept demanding Solus dealerships with £1m minimum investments. Not all the big money new dealers are good like Destination ,some are very poor .
Triumph got away with in in the boom and recently to improve the image cull a few of the BIG bad dealers and offer the brand back to some smaller more enthusiastic outfits.,
Dec 15, 2009
KenYam wrote: Hey Monsterman I hope your right as I would luv to own a Bonny SE. Maybe we could do business together ?
I suspect "not on a Yamaha" is associated with Triumphs bikes somehow in Thailand, what other explanation could there be !!!


The only association is that I bought a bike from BB. The service I experienced have been very good. The after sales service is superb.
This is my experience only. Cannot speak for the others.
But I do recommend Britbike with confidence.

Sure I paid the high price. But I have been very happy and enjoyed motorcycling more so.
The bike is serviced properly.
The bike is fully legal.
The bike's insurance works as it should. (having recently made a claim for a replacement front wheel)

Anyhooter, as per the OP. I just wanted to highlight how far Triumph have come in term of world domination. :lol: