trying to buy spares in chiang mai

Aug 29, 2008
I went to a bike parts shop in chang moi, chiang mai, and asked for a klx250 rear sprocket. I'd been there before and know they sell them.
The guy spoke some english, and said they had none. I asked for some engine oil. He said they had none. I asked for chain lube, he had some.
So I went to pay, and saw the engine oil, so I got 2litres. and I asked another guy about the sprocket. He said they had kx ones, which will I waited a bit, then the first guy says they dont have any.

So, do they have a no-sell-farang policy there, or isit just me?
Should I return and persist until they sell me a sprocket, or boycott them and get a more expensive one elsewhere?
I don't speak thai, but feel I should stand up for the rights of people,to be able to use a shop/restaurant etc without discrimination.
I understand that technically, in england,the shop is not obliged to sell to customers.
What s the legal situation in Thailand?
Apr 23, 2006
Never had a problem with a shop assistant refusing to sell me a product. But with regards to speaking English, I think the biggest problem is "face" or the losing thereof, if they speak English & make a mistake. Example - a friend of my brother-in-law from Bkk was up here a year or two ago. First night he never said a word! Next night after some "tongue oil" (Leo beer) he was chattering away in English with no problem.
Aug 29, 2008
he wasn't the usual(older) guy in the shop.
Maybe he just wanted to keep things simple by saying no
maybe he lost face when I found the oil.

maybe I go back another day

I found the same in the kawasaki dealer. They didn't have a fork guard for an older klx 250.
But when I asked for a klx 300 one, they had some.Fits 100%
they didn't have a compression tester nor an oil pressure gauge to fit though


Feb 8, 2007
Hi alrikki,

Relax! Better stay sat down and learn a bit of thai language. You can't imagine as it will be easier later, most of the time!

Relax! Why thai people have to speak English? They are in their own country and so, hey!, they speak Thai... Why not more ask them speaking too German, Portuguese, French, Japanese or Arabian?.. No, no, no! If we travel to Italy, for sure, people speak Italian, and we are not surprised of this. As in Spain, France and so on... So why have a rant here?
Relax! Always remember we are only a "bunch" of foreign girls and guys here in LOS. Usualy thai people make their business with thai people. Foreigners are not more than "the cherry on top of the cake", sometimes...
Relax! Sorry, but IMHO it is to foreigners to work with this, not to thai people! As said somewhere: "take it or leave it"...

Relax! About your search for spare parts:
There is a hudge "free market" on the Hang Dong road (about 4/5 kilometers from the moat heading to Hang Dong, maybe) on the Saturday morning. Second hand parts for many bikes as well as some new ones.
If I remember well, it opens about 5/6 a.m. and closes about midday...
But there, relax, better to speak a bit of Thai :wink:

Good luck, relax and enjoy,
Aug 29, 2008
gobs, I agree I should learn some thai, but I don't think this was a language problem
seems more like "who let this tourist in our shop?"


Jan 5, 2008
I’ve never had any problem with the Kawasaki dealer in Chiang Mai. I wouldn’t bother buying a spare. Just turn up and let them put a new one on when the old one's worn out.
They only charge you for the part, not the labor, so sit back have coffee, and let them do all the work. :idea:

That way, you dont get dirty, and it gives someone a job.

Cheers Moto-Rex


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
alrikki wrote: I went to a bike parts shop in chang moi, chiang mai, and asked for a klx250 rear sprocket. I'd been there before and know they sell them.
The guy spoke some english, and said they had none. I asked for some engine oil. He said they had none. I asked for chain lube, he had some.
So I went to pay, and saw the engine oil, so I got 2litres. and I asked another guy about the sprocket. He said they had kx ones, which will I waited a bit, then the first guy says they dont have any.

So, do they have a no-sell-farang policy there, or isit just me?
Should I return and persist until they sell me a sprocket, or boycott them and get a more expensive one elsewhere?
I don't speak thai, but feel I should stand up for the rights of people,to be able to use a shop/restaurant etc without discrimination.
I understand that technically, in england,the shop is not obliged to sell to customers.
What s the legal situation in Thailand?

Arh! This sounds like Prida next door to the Thai Military Bank,
Yeah they have a lot of stock, but the Chinese owner's weird (& I'm being extremely diplomatic) & often flat out refuses to sell to a farang because he doesn't like you. Language skills or not; in 20+ years in Cnx Ive never been able to buy anything from the _ _ _ _!
Many other farang in Cnx have had the same experience. If he decides he does not like you - NO, you get nothing & he instructs the staff to tell the farang "mai mee!"
Aug 29, 2008
this guy was maybe 45, I tried my luck again today to no avail.
there used to be an older guy there, who was helpful.


Feb 8, 2007
I too bought some stuff there.
Not a great welcome but OK when you get what you are looking for...

I like better the "older" chinese man (usually sat/stuck down by the cashier or on a chair by the entrance). He has been helpful sometimes...
Alrikki, maybe you are speaking of, I suppose by resemblance (but not sure), his son, about 40/45 y.o. This man is not so easy to "practice", even by some thai customers, by personnal experience...
He just looks like bored of everything: staff, customers, bikes or cars in street and so on... Hard atmosphere of work for the staff I guess: hence maybe their behavior...

As a second choice, try a shop settled a bit more down the Chiang Moi road RHS (tiny entrance). A lot of things too and helpful staff... Many customers there, so beware the queueing!
Or another one, but in Thai Wang road, just in front of the big bike shop "G3" or "3G" (something like that), just before the Nakhon Phing bridge LHS going to the river, full of bikes on repair on the pavement. But there, usually, be prepared to be "joked"... and smile/laugh with the people!

Just my advice: as in the West, if you don't like a shop, don't go back. Don't give them your business. Simple...

Good luck,
Aug 29, 2008
hey gobs, where is the saturday market?
I rode down to hang dong. past big C but didn't see it
Jul 18, 2009
Wish I had 1 baht for every time ive heard Mai Mee - dont have. Many times their already telling me they dont have before Ive even finished asking for the item. And yes, if you look hard enough , the item your looking for is right there on the shelves....
Aug 29, 2008
me too, I usually walk round the store and find the thing they have just denied having
not so easy to do that in prida though...