KZ, All Bikes Prefer a Higher Octane Fuel but New Bikes can Quite Happily Run on 91. Older Bikes on the Other Hand were originally Designed to Run on Higher Octane Fuels and in some Cases may not Run very well at all on 91 :cry: . There is also a noticeable Performance advantage with Certain Bikes when they get Higher Octane Fuel so for most the Cost differences wouldn't be something to Consider :wink:
I would be Surprised if there was a Vehicle in Thailand that can Run Better on Gasahol 91 compared to Shell V-Power 95??? I personally Know several Extremely Wealthy and Influential Thai People who Own WRX Subaru's, Evolution Lancers, Ferrari's, Nissan Skylines etc etc and in most Cases these Cars Can Not Run on 91 or Gasahol :shock: I suspect these People and Their Influence is one Reason this Fuel is now Available

Try it for Yourself and see 8) I will get it when I see it but won't be going around Looking for it unless i become very Rich and Own a Vehicle like listed above :lol: