various things

Feb 24, 2004
Hello folks !
Firstly let me congratulate you on a great site !
OK i am heading east in 2 months and will be staying (i hope) for 6 months. As i wish to give up my alchoholic, whore-mongering ways i plan on learing thai when im not thrashing the life out a bike to fill up my time. Would like to hear from anyone who knows if there are schools you can enrol in to learn thai and what its likely to cost. Also will i have much difficulty finding somewhere to rent long term in the chang mai area ?. What would i be likely to have to shell out for a basic Bedsit/ 1 bed apartment ? Also if anyone wants to accompany me on my first ride that would be magic.
Thank for any advice and stay crazy you nuts ! HAD ER TAE DA BAGS !



Jan 14, 2004
Depends what you want. Furnished or not, house or apartment? Houses u can pick up as low as 2,500 per month non furnished. Apartments are as low as 1,000 per month. For furniture u will be needing a bit more cash. Harder to find as well. But all in all you can find places between 1,000 to 5,000 per month that can tend to your needs. Maybe bording or lodging might be an idea? Some Thai families will look after, including feed foreign visitors. Usually for a small price or a trade of "You teach my son English, we permit you to stay here".

When I first arrived in Thailand I found it far better to board with a Thai family as you can learn some pretty neat tricks and ideas about general living from them. Plus it is always great to come home to a place where there are people you can talk with about your day.

There is in the Chiang Mai university a class that teaches Thai. Even have a some foreign staff that teach it there too (not sure on the current situation as this was a few years back).

Have fun