Weekend rides leaving from Bangkok


Dec 24, 2013
Hey everyone..

New to this site, but thought i would start a thread to see about connecting with a group living in Bangkok that likes to break out of the city on the weekends.. Got a bike about 7 months ago, but been riding for many years.. Really just wanting to connect with some other folks in BKK who have a bike, meet some new folks..

Drop me a message if you want to grab a drink and plan an adventure.. Cheers
Mar 30, 2010
Hey Jason,

A bunch of us in Bangkok do meet up for rides.
Both road and off road.

If you are on Facebook.. Check out our FB page.
Bangkok Weekend Warriors..

We often post here for beers and cheers meet ups.
Welcome to join for a beer and meet the Bangkok guys.



Nov 5, 2014
Hi guys,
i am new to the forum and to all the bikes movement in thailand.
I am getting a motocross in the next few days, i am going to get a 250F, haven't decide yet the model.
anyway when i was a kid i used to ride a lot and then i stopped for a while.
I live in center bangkok and i have no car, my house is in naratiwas, i was wondering if from here i can ride to any close place to ride or to join a group like yours, since i have no cars i would have to reach the places riding and no plates these bikes, do you guys think is it possible?
there are any places i could get without being to much in troubles?
i would love to join you and go for weekends somewhere.


Nov 5, 2014
Hi again,
i tried to get on your fb group but it is closed, so i guess a moderator has to accept me.
I was sure a large number of people rides from bangkok city, i was wondering how they reach tracks outside bangkok, i tried siam enduro club but everything is in thai and i can't read it, and the only track i found is in smart prakarn srinakarin road, difficult to reach riding a motocross in a city. i thought it was easier actually, hopefully somebody will pass by this forum and give me some precious help.