New big bike is the cheapest in SPore..for e.g. a DP or a Hayabusa or even a Harley,in Spore cost half as much as in Msia...But u must have a 'permanent' spore address etc...100% of bikes in Spore are legal with proper papers.
Secondhand bikes in Spore are a bargain!..
Malaysia has high import, sales & excise duty for new imported & recon bike. SecondHand Bike is also expensive. 99% of bikes in Msia are legal with proper papers (excpe tthe stolen ones
(But if u r coming to Malaysia under a Second-Home program, there is a benefit where u can bring in a car & a bike...)
Thailand is a wee bit complicated. The fully legal (i.e. with all the proper documents) bikes are almost as expensive as Malaysia.
But if u r one of those mavericks with little regards for the legalownership documents...then get a recon bike or even those 'that dropped off the aeroplanes' from thailand.Its a bargain.
Vietnam do not have a big bike industry per se. It is difficult and a protracted affair to ride/bring a big bike to Vietnam to ride. A small cc bike (under 150cc)is not an issue...
Cambodia & Laos also do not have a decent Big Bike industry. Its a question of disposable income. Small bikes are aplenty.
China, I beleieve has yet to relax their law on permitting big bikes into their country. Plenty of paper work are needed at different stages of the border...a big hassle for many who tried.
good luck.
p/s I beg to differ. Malaysia, Singapore and southern Thailand border crossings are amongst the easiest in the world as long as you have the proper oenership documents...