David, unbelievable what was done to this bike: :x the oildrain screw was forced into the threat with a bigger diameter, front sprocket did not have the safety plate so was moving around and caused severe wearing of the axle where it sits on, all bolts are completely destroyed starting with the carbs, cylinderhead covers,.......thermostat has been removed, sparkplugs were totally broken, electrics have been tampered with, battery connections complete F-U, tank was full of water and sh.., the list goes on and on. The same I used to find on all 3 SRX'es, the worst was the SRX6 with no oil at all in the left frontfork (not leaking), wrong swingarm, wrong rear shocks, engine that leaks oil at every millimeter all around, no oilfilter, no airfilter, wrong exhaust, loose frontfork bolts, complete mess at the electrics, tank full of water & sh.., broken screws, worn out threads, too tight screws where not necessary but loose where totally important. I have removed the word Motorcycle mechanic from my Thai vocabulary because this is a word that doen't exist in reality !! Just for example: fitting frontdisk and caliperhousing which are not original on the SRX6 just had the caliper make its mark on the cast-AL spokes of the front rim. I do not want even to imagine what would have happened if I had to do an emergency braking......... :evil: But as I'm slowly running out of time, David was so nice to come down and see me at home !!!
More when I'm up in CNX next weekend....... :lol: Cheers, Franz