Hi all,
For those interested the Guys who took my Bikes a While Back had Helmet Cams and they sent this Link to some of their Film. More will follow they say Originally they were Booked with the Infamous Reed of "Asian Motorcycle Tours" but for Reasons most of us would now Know they were let down so were left without a Tour or Bikes. Jim Spence from "Motorcycle Tours Thailand" stepped in to fill the Gap and although i normally wouldn't i supplied the Bikes as they were Stuck. Nice Guys and some Funny Footage. Enjoy!
For those interested the Guys who took my Bikes a While Back had Helmet Cams and they sent this Link to some of their Film. More will follow they say Originally they were Booked with the Infamous Reed of "Asian Motorcycle Tours" but for Reasons most of us would now Know they were let down so were left without a Tour or Bikes. Jim Spence from "Motorcycle Tours Thailand" stepped in to fill the Gap and although i normally wouldn't i supplied the Bikes as they were Stuck. Nice Guys and some Funny Footage. Enjoy!