Franz wrote: Now that Khun Tum has left Yamaha CNX, I'm even less confident in any further positive development..... :cry: . FR
Not meaning any disrespect to Khun Tum, but I did not see he had any effect whatsover on Yamaha's choice of bikes to import. You have to talk to the big boys down in BKK for that. but maybe more than that one needs some more competition to come onboard, such as KTM, now arriving and Honda??? and maybe better performance from the Yamaha group before they can afford to expand. Chiang Mai folks are well covered for sales and service for a number of makes, as is BKK of course and to some extent Phuket, but for a large part of Thailands population these places are just too far away for most people to make the investment, and the service journeys.
Still the non grey imported big bike does seem to be on the upward path, but if you look at the numbers at any big bike event: compared with the local, grey book, non book, home assembled concoctions, they are still a small fraction of the whole. Must be very difficult for the manufacturers to really assess the true sales potential of any new models, such as the new appealing Tenere.