5 day ride in Northern Cambodia

Sep 22, 2004
Great documentary, complete with great photos witten by a lady rider from Oregnam US who rode out with Hidden Cambodia Adventure Tours, Siem Reap in November 05.

Great turn of phrase , beautiful photos,

Link http://www.stenard.com/cambodia.html]http://www.stenard.com/cambodia.htm...Ride Free, Ride Safe into the Hidden Cambodia
Aug 7, 2003
I am glad your customer enjoyed the ride. Some more people not scared off by political bullshit and Cambodia is on the road back to where it was in the 1950's.

The ride to Preah Vihear has claimed more than one rider , the day the road was opened a Kamaz truck rolled off the mountain and killed some nurses riding in the back.The cement on the corners are a recent addition.

It always amazes me the friendliness of the people outside the main cities, nothing is too much, if this lady will pass the message like she does we will see many more riders in Cambodia.

Very much enjoyed your photos, thank you.

Harri .XR650R.


Dec 19, 2005
Hi HiddenCambodia!
Great stuff that is.

Question: We've been looking for reliable maps on Cambodia. But the 3 we're using now are conflicting all the time, making a proper preparation for a 30 day tour virtually impossible.
Are there any GOOD maps of cambodia? If so, where can they be found?

Example: one map indicates a road from the Lao border straight west direction of Preah Vehear, another map shows only a road from Strung Treng (or whathitsname) up northeast. So we're in the dark if we can head west immediately after the border or not


Dec 6, 2005

Originally posted by Mingh

Are there any GOOD maps of cambodia? If so, where can they be found?

Mingh, When I was preparing for my ill-fated cycling adventure, Cambo Expats all said that the Road Atlas to get is called

Guide Total des Routes du Cambodge, Published by Alain Gascuel/Cambodge Nouveau

Cambodge Nouveau told me it was available from Bookazine and Asia Books, but none of my friends in BKK could find it. I know it is available from Monument Books in Phnom Penh, but by then you probably won't need it. It is available online, but that is probably not much use to you either.

Not much help, but apparently that is the book to get... they recently released a 5th edition I think.



Jan 3, 2004
I live here and use maps and none of them ever have all the information. The best map for cambodia is the Gecko Map. you can get that at monument books for 10 dollars. there is a photo copy version being sold for about 2 dollars. the 2005 version is out and despite some good updates, it is still missing roads. one thing to remember about cambodia is most roads here lead to rome. The locals have a sense of what you are looking for and are pretty good about pointing the way. Some times we think they are setting us up calling the next village ahead to say here comes the foreigners send them on a wild goose chase. Another thing to consider is that many villagers have no clue as to what exist beyond a few kilometers from their village so asking many times to many people (older ones are better) will help you zero in on your destination better. There are military maps in the russian market that I also use. I find that some towns change but the temples are still in place as they have been for centuries. They are good for terain, trails, and some villages as well.
The road atlas that Daewoo mentions is more designed for automobiles, but includes more cultural information as well as sites of interest. Alain however continues to add more to his map as time goes on and I have given him some stuff for his recent edition tho I havent seen it yet.

some simple Khmer
Plau- road
Plau biba- bad road
Plau La Oh- good road
Dtaul- to go
Dtaul Bahn-able to go
Dtaul nah- go where
Nul ai nah- where is
Prasat Boran- old temple
Spean Boran- old bridge
Boun mahn- how much (ie Boun mahn Kilo spean Boran)