Much to my surprise there came an email from TG=
Dear Sir,
Thank you for e-mail of 25 August.
Regarding to check baggage with 2 rear shochs for motorycle in
your luggage. You have to discuss this with TG in london once again.
Please be reminded this small amounts of oil might leak in your suicase
and weigh shall be according to fare paid 20 Kgs in EY class if exceed
the normal baggage will be charge at airport.
Yours Sincerely,
Orachon Tishyaputra
E-Customer Service Group (BKKNY-S)
Head Quarters Bangkok, THAILAND
But it means that Collin has potential problems, I don't like that.
Alrikki, I will have the shocks rebuilt by your man. Regarding specs I have no clue about that, we can wait until Joe ,JoesBiketeam , is back from Germany. What do you think?
I want to thank Collin for his generous offer to carry the heavy load.