best itinerary for a first timer

Jun 25, 2007
I am sorry if this has been asked before, but there are so many places to see that I'm not sure what I should do.

Can anyone please give me a recommendation for a 7 day itinerary (starting/ending in Chiang Mai) for a first timer in North Thailand. Already living in Thailand, but not very experienced with the north or riding motorcycles.

We will be in a group of 3, one experienced rider (although not in Thailand). We don't want anything too difficult...maybe riding a maximum of 5 hours/day.

This is planned for late July/early August. Where should we go and what should we see?

General outlines would be very useful. Thanks! [8D]


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
1. Start with
2. Then
3. Then 1st do Samoeng Loop
4. Then if you’re not 100% happy & comfortable with your bike & the local riding environment do another loop to settle in.
5. Then head for the hills – either the Mae Hong Son Loop or the Golden Triangle. Please yourself depending on what you are looking for.
The Mae Hong Son Loop has the best forest cover, narrower steeper more winding roads & is less developed than the “Golden Triangle” area. But if it’s wet or got heavy cloud cover then the MHS Loop can be a bit of a drag as you’ll be up in the mountains, wont get any views & possibly be riding in drizzle most of the time.
The Golden Triangle loop is more developed, has more choices of places / loops to go. If you like to party / socialize at night then the GT loop beats the MHS loop. The GT Loop also has some excellent mountain rides, but if it is wet you can pick & choose which ones to have a crack at.
6. Buy a GT Guide book from Gecko Books. Buy a MHS Loop map & GT Rider shirt(s) from Mr(s) Mechanic & everything will sort itself out nicely as you go along.
7. When you get back, make a Road & Trip report to share your experiences.