We made it up on the 16th April. Dropped off the bags in a hotel in Kampot first, and then headed over around 2pm. I thought we might be leaving a bit late, but the timing worked out pretty well. There was a constant stream of cars heading down the mountain taking up most of the road as usual, but I quite enjoyed the ride regardless.
The first stretch of road is perfect tarmac, smooth as silk and pretty fun to ride on for 15 mins. The rest of the way up is still dirt road, although it has surely been widened and graded. This lasts for a long way, and has some really fun sections. There are still a few tight corners right through overhanging jungle etc. As you reach the top the road gets quite rocky. It took us around 1hr 40mins to get to the top, but would have been much quicker if the traffic was non-existent. There really was a constant stream of cars coming towards us from the start of the dirt until the top of the hill, and plenty to over/under take that were heading up. On the way down, we left at 4.50 and it was a perfect ride. Nothing coming towards you, and only a handful of cars to pass.
I'd imagine that the ride is a shadow of it's former self. Such a shame, but that's progress the Cambodian way I guess. We chatted with Kristian (owner of the Rusty Keyhole) about Bokor, and he said it really is open only on Public Holidays (maybe just the Khmer New Year week - April 13th-18th 2010) as they are blasting away up there with explosives etc. He has tried bribing the guards at other times of the year and they won't budge.
Goggles are a must if you plan to head up next year, as the dust coming from all the traffic was unreal. We had a great time up there, but for seasoned dirt bikers used to having the road to yourselves, you may not enjoy the hectic road at New Year.