Roads 23,2002,202,2112,2134,217,213and then ring road and back to 23 on the way home.
Darn it has been booring, so today i had to get up and riding, went to Google maps and looked what king of look i could make a and came up with this
408Km in lenght and i started at 12 noon time,, and yes it was hot,, did i say that it was hot hot,, +34.5C air flow temperaure while riding.
Nice weather when i left home and no traic on HW 23
While i was riding idea came to my mind, that should i get bike cleaned,, it havent seen water since CM bike week
RD 2002 i pass by this village, they all make traingle pillows and all houses selling them as well.
Nice roads(in the begining)
No traffic and ONLY 2 idiots today on the road, both of them where over taking cars in BLIND bend what was right turn for me and they came against me on the wrong side of the road,, well "international sign lanquage was shown ammongs the horn, i know it wont help but i felt better)
Why im riding wrong side of the road,,well look the road, full of potholes
RD 2112 with in 109Km there was total of 15km pothole sections.
Potholes an then again potholes
I mean serious potholes
after potholes Brilliant road and speed is up again BUT behind next curve was again....
Serious set of potholes,, and i got hit 1 time really hard as there was no way to stop so fast...
and again nice roads
In this loop any idea where is this nice white marble Temple located?
on road 217 is very famos it's drums but they cost a lot of money, i went to ask one time,few yrs back and simple small drum cost about 40K
I know many(most) do not like to ride night time, but i some how do and reasson is my head light's 5000K low nd high beam, it gives me bright and really wide view
Last but not least Trip data from my GPS
Darn it has been booring, so today i had to get up and riding, went to Google maps and looked what king of look i could make a and came up with this
408Km in lenght and i started at 12 noon time,, and yes it was hot,, did i say that it was hot hot,, +34.5C air flow temperaure while riding.
Nice weather when i left home and no traic on HW 23
While i was riding idea came to my mind, that should i get bike cleaned,, it havent seen water since CM bike week
RD 2002 i pass by this village, they all make traingle pillows and all houses selling them as well.
Nice roads(in the begining)
No traffic and ONLY 2 idiots today on the road, both of them where over taking cars in BLIND bend what was right turn for me and they came against me on the wrong side of the road,, well "international sign lanquage was shown ammongs the horn, i know it wont help but i felt better)
Why im riding wrong side of the road,,well look the road, full of potholes
RD 2112 with in 109Km there was total of 15km pothole sections.
Potholes an then again potholes
I mean serious potholes
after potholes Brilliant road and speed is up again BUT behind next curve was again....
Serious set of potholes,, and i got hit 1 time really hard as there was no way to stop so fast...
and again nice roads
In this loop any idea where is this nice white marble Temple located?
on road 217 is very famos it's drums but they cost a lot of money, i went to ask one time,few yrs back and simple small drum cost about 40K
I know many(most) do not like to ride night time, but i some how do and reasson is my head light's 5000K low nd high beam, it gives me bright and really wide view
Last but not least Trip data from my GPS