Brakes - what are you using?


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Well we've had oil & tyre threads, so it's about time we got onto brakes.

Once upon a time I used local manufacture 50-100 baht pads, but literally came unstuck with these in the wet. Never again & don't be foolish.

Of the imports there are plenty of Goldfren around, but I never seem to get any decent feeling with these & only use them if there's nothing else available at the time.

So what works for me with great feel in the wet & dry & performs - EBC it is!
Love 'em. Great feeling & performance.

What does everyone else think & use?
Nov 17, 2009
Recently changed the pads on the fj1200. Had to use local pads as it was all I could get at short notice and I was off to sukkathai (680km each way) that weekend. Hmmm they work ok ish but seem too chatter and only clear after heavy braking. Never mind off to the UK in feb for two weeks and will pick up a set of EBC GG pads as these worked well on my V11 guzzi and I find HH glazed up unless I was really going for it (not brave these days) :(


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
Im Using Beemer KEVLAR pads are made of copper, alloy, tin, graphite and other metalic elements which are far superior to the metal powder mixed into standard organic pads, providing exceptional Stopping Power and Longer operational life. Perfect under all riding conditions: wet, dry, hot or cold. Excellent pads

I have thos in both end an really happy about them,, got it from ebay


Jun 28, 2007
EBC on the FJR which enable me to have more braking power on heated brake disks. Very good performance in both dry and wet conditions. Don't wear as quickly as the original ones.
Cheap local GoldFren on the old bikes, they're also worth the money although not high performance ones.
Just wonder when Craig-Esib posts something about his new business or even reads this thread..............
Cheers, FR
Sep 27, 2007
Thanks to David for opening the thread, and to Franz for the heavy hint!

By a happy co-incidence I recently became the official EBC Brakes distributor for Motorcycle and ATV parts in Thailand. It's great to see that many of you are already familiar with EBC products.

After several months of researching the Thai bike market, not an easy task, I am ready to start receiving customer enquiries :lol:

In the next few days our Ad banner will appear on the forum which will link to a web enquiry form. Anyone interested in EBC products please fill in the details relating to your bike and we'll e-mail or PM you back with specifications, pricing and availability asap. We have significant stock already in Pattaya, and the vision is to supply customers all over Thailand using the registered EMS postal service. When out of stock or special order the delivery lead-time will normally be 2~3 weeks using a grouped air shipment from EBC UK.

Many Specifications of Brake Pads, Discs & Clutch kits are in Stock for the following popular Road / Race bikes: Aprilia, BMW, Buell, Ducati, Harley Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Moto Guzzi, Suzuki, Triumph, Yamaha
And Dirt / MX / Super-Moto / ATV: BMW, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha. If its not listed, please ask - it's almost certainly available in EBC's very extensive range.

As a fellow GT Rider, I hope to make the often difficult challenge of getting quality aftermarket parts in Thailand a little easier.

Craig Donnelly.


Jun 28, 2007
Hi hi hi Buddy Craig :D :D :D
Anyway, for those who don't know him, he's the former Craig-Esib and was too quick in registering a second name :cry: .
I got from Craig already a very very beautiful & perfect 320mm front disk for the SRX6. Just longing to test it ..... :wink:
Cheers, Franz
Sep 4, 2007
Hi Craig,
Welcome as a supplier, as you say, good to have reliable source for the consumable bits on the bike. Apparently just missed you last week in BKK, my bike just in for 20K service and 1 year insurance renewal etc.

For the more ignorant guys like me, could you explain when one would use a GG or an HH, I do not want brakes like the F1 guys that do not work unless I get them up to several thousand degrees C. In fact I like to use my brakes as little as possible, so what would work for a Yamaha FZ1, ridden without constant heavy braking, please.
Sep 27, 2007
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome Franz and John,

Indeed I managed to mess up my user ID after failing to realise it can be easily changed in the profile settings, well never mind... John, also sorry to miss you at BKK the other weekend - Only up to the 10k service for mine, seems us working guys struggle to get enough time in the saddle :?

As a brief introduction, EBC are a UK manufacturer with 30+ years experience of performance and racing brakes for bikers. However, none of the current range of pad materials would be demanding on the rider in terms of having to keep them warm before they perform properly. For Road Bikes there are 3 main specifications available:

Kevlar (FA), Double H Sintered (HH) and Extreme Pro Sintered (HH)

When we talk about the Double H, the name comes from the fact that the pads are tested for both cold and hot temperature friction performance and "H" is the highest ranking in the test standard. So the HH specification literally means it provides the highest friction performance from cold, right up to high temperature.

For John's example of a recent Yamaha FZ1 (2006 to 2009) the minimum front brake spec recommended by EBC is the Sintered HH pad, but in general the Kevlar (FA) pads are available for almost all applications and will provide an excellent brake feel and lower price point.

Since we are going into new topic areas, I'll stop here for now but will post additional info and spec guidance in the near future.

Any one who wishes may visit the EBC manufacturers web site for further information.
Sep 27, 2007
In addtion to above, the GG pad rating mentioned by fj craig does in fact relate to the friction rating achevied by the EBC Kevlar road bike pads. This is what EBC themselves say about the subject:

From EBC Web Site:

{Organic pads have attracted many enthusiasts because of the way they work. They are inherently “Softerâ€


Feb 8, 2007
Hi all,

As I'm not an expert-rider, as well not a "racing" biker but rather a quite one, I never worried about brake pads, only replacing them with OEM and till now all was fine for me...
But what Craig explains is very interesting... I have to look further...
Thanks to him. :wink:



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
13,000 kms out of the last set of EBCs & time for another set on the rear.
Whilst waiting for the EBCs I've put on a set of Goldfren & they feel bloody horrible, so little feeling.
It's incredible the difference!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
From the EBC website

There are three types of brake pad used on modern Motorcycles:
1. Organic: are made with man-made fibres such as Kevlar or Twaron bonded together with a petrochemical resin
2. Semi metallic pads are blended with up to 30 or 50% cheap steel fibre
3. Sintered are copper alloy fused together under heat and pressur
EBC Brakes makes only Organic and Sintered Brake pads, we do not subscribe to the steel fibre technology as suitable for motorcycle brakes for numerous reasons.
EBC Brakes for street bikes include Double-H brake pads and the new EPFA Extreme Pro Sintered brake pads plus Kevlar organic brake pads and TT series dual purpose motorcycle brake pads.
EBC Brakes also offer brake shoes for the entire range of motorcycles complete with new brake shoe springs.

Organic pads have attracted many enthusiasts because of the way they work. They are inherently “Softer” easier on rotors and have a brake “feel” preferred by many riders.
EBC make only two formulations of organic pads for motorcycles which are described as follows.
Street Sport DMX compound.
Made with Dupont Kevlar fibre base this material have sold over 18 million sets alone since adopted. It is surely one of the best selling Motorcycle brake materials ever made and has passed every known standard test time and time again. It has been rated by top German consumer Magazine Motorrad as a compound that outperformed all compared organic pads in friction level tested. DMX compound is TUV tested and approved and is the first ever material to pass the European ECE R90 brake safety test where it was tested alongside sintered metal pads. With a GG rated friction rating, technically this material has a lower rating for brake power over sintered pads but on the machine, which is where it counts, this materials impresses. Having past the ECE R 90 test on motorcycles designed for sintered pads there is no doubt that this materials can be used to replace sintered pads on most motorcycles with safety.
Enduro Grade TT or X pads
This is the EBC pad compound used for larger and heavier Enduro or what we sometimes call Paris-Dakar type or dual purpose machines. The material is carbon based with Kevlar fibres and as a softer pad is less aggressive to rotors and runs cooler than sintered metal. It will last longer than its stable mate the DMX formula in dual purpose use which is why EBC make this alternate grade for that different group of Motorcycles.

EBC Brakes sintered motorcycle brake pad range includes the world famous Double-H sintered brakes, the R series ATV sintered brakes, and the MXS sintered motocross race brakes plus the high durability SV series severe duty sintered brakes. Latest addition to the EBC sintered brakes range is the EPFA series Extreme Pro ultra high friction sintered race brakes for fast sport bike use and road racing.
Enduro riders often choose the carbon graphite X series (or TT series as they are known in Europe) for their cool running, low heat characteristics in fast motocross and enduro races.
What is sintering?
This is the fusing together under heat and pressure of metallic particles and in the case of brakes it blends various other elements to enhance friction properties and wear life.
Sintered Brakes have become a standard on 99% of Motorcycles and ATVs from the OE Builders and they also form a large percentage of the aftermarket for bikes and ATV’s.
Sintered brakes last longer and generally speaking handle the heat of heavy braking better. In Road Race use we have to admit that there are almost NO organic pads that come close to Sintered compounds but that does not hold true in street bike use where EBC Organic compounds in terms of performance are almost undetectable from sintered. Proof of this is that EBC Brakes was the first and probably still is the only Brake manufacturer with EC E R 90 brake safety approval of both its sintered Brakes and its Organic brakes on Motorcycle for public highway use.
Sintered copper brakes are made by one of two processes, pressure sintering in a vacuum furnace or sintering through a belt furnace in a controlled atmosphere. The steel backing plates for the brake pads are copper coated and a preformed sintered copper “Puck” is located onto pips in the plate (either male or female) and the parts are passed through a furnace. At a pre-determined temperature the copper coating under the pad puck melts and fused the puck and plate together.
Sintering is a very exact process and the EBC expertise has made it a world leader in such technology and gained it numerous OE contracts.
Launched in 2004 Double-H became the standard by which all brake pads for street bikes were judged because of their long lasting and powerful brake effect.
Made in our USA Sintering plant and available for 95% of all makes and models Double – H are great value for money being half the price of our Flagship range the Extreme Pro sintered pads
Double-H pads claimed their name from the industry standard gauge for measuring friction levels on brake pads. The grades of brake pads available is an interesting topic. They range from E,F,G through to H rating, each grade being a 20% step up in friction delivery. A pad only generating an E friction grade would be totally unsuitable for use on any Motorcycle, most of which now use G or H graded brake pads.
EBC Double-H claim the highest H title in two ways, hence the expression Double H as they are H rated cold…….and H rated when hot. This means no brake fade.
EBC Carbon X or TT Brake Pads
For several years now this successful carbon graphite formula has been the choice of top enduro and moto-x riders for certain conditions around the world. The man advantage of this type of material is its lack of heat generation or conduction, which keeps both the rotor and caliper cool. Top Enduro and Hare Scrambles USA riders prefer this material for fast and dry riding conditions. The material is also very useable for standard sport ATV useage. Also TUV tested and KBA approved for street use on enduro bikes.
The TT series or X pads do not last as long as a sintered pad but are a strong favourite amongst Enduro riders due to their low heat transfer.

EBC rocks. :thumbup: