BritBike Triumph in Chiang Mai have a New Location. It is at the North end of the Moat on the Inside Corner. Located beside the Harley Shop Run by Tuk from the "Heavens Devils". The Motocross Shop run by Na is the Last Shop on the same Corner. The New Shop will be a Joint Venture with Tuk who is a well known figure in Chiang Mai Motorcycling Community, He is Also a Motorcycle Enthusiast which is an Essential ingredient for a Shop Owner I think so We are heading on the right Track!!!
Dom was up this week to organise things and I had a Good Chat with Him. First Priority is to get a Good Service Department going and Second is to get their Sales and Social Side of things back on Track which was Sadly Missing from the Niyom Panich Venture!The Mechanics were also up this Week and I had My Tiger there for it's 30.000 km Service which was done Thursday. Great Stuff and No Complaints. The New Shop will take a while to Re-furbish so till it is finished any enquiries can be done with Tuk for now or Just call BritBikes direct in BKK. I Wish them All the Best!!!
Dom was up this week to organise things and I had a Good Chat with Him. First Priority is to get a Good Service Department going and Second is to get their Sales and Social Side of things back on Track which was Sadly Missing from the Niyom Panich Venture!The Mechanics were also up this Week and I had My Tiger there for it's 30.000 km Service which was done Thursday. Great Stuff and No Complaints. The New Shop will take a while to Re-furbish so till it is finished any enquiries can be done with Tuk for now or Just call BritBikes direct in BKK. I Wish them All the Best!!!