If anyone wants to do the same trip that Mingh just did, namely from southern Laos to Stung Treng and then Banlung in north eastern Cambodia, see the old map on
http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/vietnam/ma ... 8_11c.html
The old Hwy 13 between Laos and Cambodia appears clearly on this old map. After crossing the border, you end up at Stung Treng in Cambodia. The road to Banlung is just to the south of Stung Treng. Move to the very bottom right hand corner of this map, where you can see old Hwy 19. This is the road to Banlung that Mingh just did. Updates about the condition of the old Hwy 19 between Stung Treng and Banlung are encouraged.
See Mingh's post above about the new road between Banlung and Sen Monorom. A new Phnom Penh Post report about the current condition of the road between Sen Monorom and Phnom Penh is on
New road brings promise of tourism to Mondulkiri
By Kate Evans
The central market in Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri province, is a vision of
the past-a not-so-distant era when locals lived almost entirely off the
Even in bright mid-morning, it's dark in the slender passageways that
weave through the dusty cluster of wooden shacks and rusty corrugated
iron. The sun shafts through in unexpected places, illuminating a stack
of mangoes, a severed cow's hoof, a fighting cock under a cane basket.
Babies and grandparents swing in hammocks, puppies play in a rubbish
heap, and fish swim lazily in buckets of water before being swiftly
decapitated and hawked, blood oozing, to passers-by.
But step outside, onto Sen Monorom's newly paved main street, and the
tiny provincial capital is bounding into modernity. The past year has
brought the Internet, the first western bar, and increasing numbers of
tourists. Sen Monorom is changing so fast the guidebooks can't keep up.
"Three years ago, it was common to see local Phnong people bringing an
elephant to town from the hill villages to load up with supplies," says
Mariam Smith, a Swedish NGO worker who has lived in Sen Monorom since
2003. "That hardly ever happens now."
What was once a mostly Phnong area is becoming increasingly diverse, as
immigrants from other provinces seek their fortune in the east. Swathes
of the grasslands have become pine plantations, tarmac and mobile
phones have arrived, and new buildings are springing up on every
But the most significant change in the past five years has been the
numbers of tourists to the province, a range of local residents said.
According to Ministry of Tourism figures, in 2000 Sen Monorom received
298 visitors, most of whom were intrepid foreigners eager to experience
a piece of Cambodia's "wild east." Last year, more than 10,000 people
made the trip-9,000 of them Khmer.
This vast increase can be attributed to one thing-the new road from
Phnom Penh.
In 2004, work finished on the once-infamous stretch of road between
Memot and Snuol, cutting the trip from Phnom Penh to Sen Monorom-in the
dry season-from 3 days to around 7 hours. In the mid-1990s, the road
was in such disrepair that the quickest route to the capital from Sen
Monorom was a five-day odyssey via Vietnam. The new road made it
feasible for urban Cambodians to take a weekend jaunt to the cooler
climes of Mondulkiri, and numbers increased ten-fold within the space
of a year - from 919 Khmer tourists in 2003, to 8,295 in 2004.
Air-conditioned buses leave the city every day for Sen Monorom, as do
half a dozen fully loaded pickup trucks.
As a result, Sen Monorom is in the grip of a building boom, as
residents gamble on the allure of tourist dollars. In 2001, there were
five guesthouses; now there are 16, plus two hotels and a
spa/meditation retreat. The road into town is lined with newly opened
guesthouses, with least two more under construction. Existing
businesses are feverishly extending their premises in time for Khmer
New Year, when locals expect an influx of more than 1,000 guests.
Land prices are exploding, residents told the Post. Seven years ago,
when Sum Dy bought the land his self-named guesthouse is now built on,
it cost him $1,500. Now, he claims it's worth $80,000. Many people
around town have similar stories. Land that once sold for $20 per meter
five years ago, now sells for $1,000, as locals and immigrants buy up
large sections and subdivide.
Guesthouse owners are banking on the construction of a sealed road all
the way to Sen Monorom, rumored to start in 2007, which will make it
even easier for Phnom Penhois to come up for a weekend retreat. There
is also talk of opening the border with Vietnam at nearby Dac Dam,
which will bring in foreign tourists travelling overland from Dalat
into Cambodia.
Even without these developments, the pattern of the last few years
suggests this speculation may not be unfounded.
Mondulkiri, with its rolling hills, forests, elephant trekking, and
local hill-tribe minorities such as the Phnong, is a world away from
the bustle of Phnom Penh-and it has the added bonus of much colder
temperatures-"free air conditioning" as one Western resident put it.
For Khmer visitors, the main draw is Bou Sra waterfall, immortalized by
early 70s pop star Sin Sisamuth in the famous song "Teuk Chrous Bou
Sra." The karaoke video, featuring the falls and local Phnong dancers,
inspired many Khmer to visit their country's largest waterfall. The
road from town to the falls was also improved in 2004, so what once
took two and a half hours by motorcycle-and is described in the latest
Lonely Planet as "one of the worst roads in the country"-now sports
four bridges and, in the dry season, only takes an hour. All this means
that for a few weekends a year, at major holidays like Khmer New Year,
every room in town is full.
"Last year, many people came to ask for rooms, but everywhere was full.
They had to drive back to Kratie or Kampong Cham," says Sum Dy, who
hopes to add 12 new rooms to his existing five by April.
Mondulkiri is also being groomed as an eco-tourism destination by the
government and a range of environmental groups.
Hundreds of thousands of hectares of dry forest carpet the hills and
valleys of Mondulkiri, one of the last refuges in Southeast Asia for
large mammals such as tigers, leopards, elephants, gibbons, and
Cambodia's national animal, the possibly extinct Kouprey.
Around three quarters of the province is now under some form of
protection, much of it run by the WWF in collaboration with the
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
According to Keo Sopheak, Senior Project Official for the Sre Pok
Wilderness Area Project, part of the 430,000-hectare Mondulkiri
Protected Area, eco-tourism will have an essential role in ensuring
these reserves are economically sustainable.
"Tourism will provide work for the communities, make money to maintain
the protected area and build schools and health centres for the Phnong
communities," he said.
By 2009, the project hopes to run tours direct from Siem Reap's temple
complex to high-end, eco-friendly safari lodges deep in the core zone
of the reserve.
Although "eco-tourism" is something of a mantra here-reverentially
invoked by everyone from moto drivers, to forest rangers, to tourism
officials-there's still a long way to go before the concept is fully
understood in Mondulkiri. Many locals use "eco-tourism" to mean looking
at waterfalls and riding elephants.
So far, the Sre Pok project is the only major scheme of its kind in the
area, and the visitors it will bring, though wealthy, will be a tiny
proportion of total tourist numbers. Illegal logging and hunting are
widespread, and already, polystyrene boxes and plastic bags litter the
rocks at Bou Sra. On the path leading to the falls, stall-holders sell
wild animal parts, believed by many Khmer to have health benefits.
Kong Bunly is a "Worldwide Wildlife Warrior," a ranger in Mondulkiri's
forests, and part of his job is to make sure people know that such
activity is illegal. "Some tourists come to Cambodia to see animals,
not just waterfalls and temples. So we have to protect these wild
animals, because they are important for eco-tourism. If tourists see
dead ones for sale, it looks bad," he said.
Unsurprisingly, on his inspection he saw no sign of the loris
skeletons, elephant teeth, and antelope horns proudly displayed to
visitors just 30 minutes earlier.
Yet despite the inevitable pollution an influx of visitors will bring
to the region, the promise of eco-tourist dollars is a serious economic
incentive for impoverished people to help conserve their unique
wilderness. The industry is already employing people who would
otherwise resort to logging or poaching to survive. "All our staff in
Sre Pok are Phnong," said Sopheak. "Before they were hunters-now they
work for us to stop hunting."
Tourism will no doubt bring further changes to Mondulkiri. It remains
to be seen whether it can live up to the expectations of locals, NGOs
and the government officials alike, and be the magic formula that will
bring in the dollars, and safeguard the environment at the same time.
Phnom Penh Post, Issue 15/03, February 10 - 23, 2006
© Michael Hayes, 2006. All rights revert to authors and artists on
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Hayes, Editor-in-Chief
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