Hello to the community, been flicking through these boards and i'm impressed with how much you guys know about biking in this part of the world.
So i'm hoping you'll be able to answer these questions, because if you guys can't then I doubt anyone else can.
Brief history :-
Retired to Thailand 9 months ago, after the initial buzz started getting bored during days so me and another retired friend bought a cbr 400 and fj 1200 to rebuild for ourselves ( I know not the best bikes in the world for here, like the transalp myself but couldn't find a decent secondhand one + the crotch rocket is a lot of fun) , really enjoyed the projects, and we toyed with the idea of buying secondhand bikes to rebuild and re-sell, but this being Thailand it probably wouldn't lead to a happy ending, anyway with all the political problems here and the kings decling health we're decided to get the hell out of dodge and move over to Cambodia.
Our plan in Cambodia is to rent a small workspace, buy a couple of secondhand big bikes in thailand each month riding or transporting them to PP, renovate and resell or rent them in Cambodia not so much for profit as for the pleasure of working on a nice bike, as long as we're not making a loss that is! As you can imagine this has led to a lot of questions and very few answers, so I thought I'd throw my questions to this board, thanks in advance for any help.
here goes
1) Import tax..I believe the import tax goes off the bike/year for secondhand bikes, Does anyone know if this is true, and if so where I can find the offical year/bike tax price chart either online or in PP?
2) Import location, can this importing be handled easily at the Thai/Cam land border? Does it take a long time?
3) Thailand export tax, does Thailand have an export tax on used vehicles, and if yes, how much?
3) Registering the bikes, do the bikes have to registered, or can we leave them unregistered while we work on them and the just register them with the new owner?
4) Parts, is the DHL in PP reliable, and would there be tax(how much) on bike parts we import, pistons, sprockets etc?
5) Bike legal requirements, I read that the main light cannot be on during the day, are there any other rules like this?
6) Demand, is there much demand in Cam for big bikes, and which bikes seem to be popular?
7) Company, Is it worth setting up a legal company to run all this through?
8) Any other thoughts, All sensible feedback and questions are extremely welcome and appreciated, so if you foresee any other problems or have any other thoughts please share.
Thanks in advance
Mark Nutley
So i'm hoping you'll be able to answer these questions, because if you guys can't then I doubt anyone else can.
Brief history :-
Retired to Thailand 9 months ago, after the initial buzz started getting bored during days so me and another retired friend bought a cbr 400 and fj 1200 to rebuild for ourselves ( I know not the best bikes in the world for here, like the transalp myself but couldn't find a decent secondhand one + the crotch rocket is a lot of fun) , really enjoyed the projects, and we toyed with the idea of buying secondhand bikes to rebuild and re-sell, but this being Thailand it probably wouldn't lead to a happy ending, anyway with all the political problems here and the kings decling health we're decided to get the hell out of dodge and move over to Cambodia.
Our plan in Cambodia is to rent a small workspace, buy a couple of secondhand big bikes in thailand each month riding or transporting them to PP, renovate and resell or rent them in Cambodia not so much for profit as for the pleasure of working on a nice bike, as long as we're not making a loss that is! As you can imagine this has led to a lot of questions and very few answers, so I thought I'd throw my questions to this board, thanks in advance for any help.
here goes
1) Import tax..I believe the import tax goes off the bike/year for secondhand bikes, Does anyone know if this is true, and if so where I can find the offical year/bike tax price chart either online or in PP?
2) Import location, can this importing be handled easily at the Thai/Cam land border? Does it take a long time?
3) Thailand export tax, does Thailand have an export tax on used vehicles, and if yes, how much?
3) Registering the bikes, do the bikes have to registered, or can we leave them unregistered while we work on them and the just register them with the new owner?
4) Parts, is the DHL in PP reliable, and would there be tax(how much) on bike parts we import, pistons, sprockets etc?
5) Bike legal requirements, I read that the main light cannot be on during the day, are there any other rules like this?
6) Demand, is there much demand in Cam for big bikes, and which bikes seem to be popular?
7) Company, Is it worth setting up a legal company to run all this through?
8) Any other thoughts, All sensible feedback and questions are extremely welcome and appreciated, so if you foresee any other problems or have any other thoughts please share.
Thanks in advance
Mark Nutley