Chiang Mai - WANT TO RIDE!

Oct 26, 2004
Hey there...

Just in Chiang Mai right now, I rented a 125 scooter today (of course) and got a taste, sportbike style, of the nice windy road heading up the Doi Suthep today. I must have hit that thing 6 or 7 times in a row, each time faster and faster. Who would have thought you could scrape the pegs at 80 km/hr on those little machines ;-)

Anyways, I am heading south tomorrow, down to Krabi to relax on the beaches and check out the riding down there for a week or two and then I will be heading back up to Chiang Mai (love it up here, best spot I have seen so far I think) to rent an XR250, some gear and a tent and hit some of the trails in the northern mountains.

I was wondering if anyone is going to be up in this area, and want to hook it up with this Canadian dude. I will be solo for a bit, and also with a couple of Australian friends... Both ways, I will be looking for some good times, on and off the trails.


PS: Quick/Stupid question, I have to head into Laos to extend my tourist visa, and I was wondering something. If I have to leave my passport with the bike rental people, how can I cross the border???


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
No chance of extending your visa without a passport I'm afraid.
Nothing to stamp the extension or new visa in, just think about it.
Most people need a passport to cross the border.

Also you dont need a tent in North Thailand, too many cheap excellent value for money guesthouses in the mountains.
But why not just stay in the North & keep riding if it is so good.
Its a bit silly to head down south then all the way back up again.....

Keep the power on
Oct 26, 2004
Thanks for the reply!

I went south because I am travelling with someone for a bit and she wanted to see the south, so I said I would come with here... Travelling is cheap and easy and quick and I am used to it (being from North America ;-) ) so it is nothing to head from North to south...

Anyway, tenting is more interesting I think, since you don't need to rely on anyone or bothering anyone.

As for border crossing with a rented motorcycle, how do other people do it? Is there something else that I can leave with the rental company instead of a passport?


PS: I saw someone driving in a truck with a motocross bike and gear. There must be an MX track somewhere near Chiang Mai, does anyone know where it is, and if they will rent MX bikes for a day to ride???


Sep 29, 2004
Pai Enduro can supply Enduro / MX bikes and they have some kind of training circuit to use. See here

Although I'm a great fan of camping in the UK and France, I agree with David here - it's not worth the effort in N. Thailand. I've travelled round the MHS loop 3 or 4 times and never noticed anyone camping. It's just "not done". I think you'll give yourself more problems than benefits. First, you'e got to carry tent, karrimat, sleeping bag (mozzie net?) and other bits and pieces on the bike. Then you've got to find somewhere suitable to pitch the tent (I've not noticed any proper campsites as such), and you won't have any facilities like water or toilet. Then you've got to to eat. Are you going to carry cooking gear as well? If not, you'll still have to visit a guesthouse or restaurant to eat (leaving all your gear in a remotre tent somewhere?). The guesthouses are good, they are not expensive, the food is good and you'll meet other travellers to talk to. Just my opinion, but why make like difficult?



Nov 2, 2004
Modeboy, When I am in Chiang Mai I always rent from Jaguar MC. Hire (131 Moon Muang Rd.) Pick up a Honda Super Four (400 cc.) He has 4 or 5 to rent & he has even welded a rack on the back of them Enough room for me , my Thai girl friend & a couple of day packs. If you want to keep your passport with you to extend your visa, he wants a $200 deposit. I have rented from him for the last 4 years without any problems!!! Seems to be very trust worthy!!! BIll
Oct 26, 2004
Kudos on the information guys! I will definately check it out, I will also think about riding into Laos from Chiang Mai with the deposit that you are talking about...

As for camping, maybe that isn't a good idea like you guys mention, I will have to sauce out the situation more when I am up there in a week.

I checked out the tour company website, man, I can't wait to get on a motocross track again!! Woo-Hoo!!!

Again, thanks for the info... And if anyone else reads this and will be in the Chiang Mai area between November 16th and 30th and interested in a day road ride or hitting the trails, please write this lonely traveller ;-)



Sep 29, 2004
I'll be there Corey, at the same time as you. I've sent you a note, off the boards. My mate John will be around as well. He's been into Laos (although mountain biking, not motorbiking), so may have some sugestions for you.
