D Tracker 250 Modification / Upgrade Links


Jan 31, 2005
Hello D Tracker Fans,

I am going to be buying a D Tracker 250 when I get back to BKK next month, and have been putting some Google-FU into searching out parts/modifications, and upgrades for the D Tracker. I am looking to turn my bike into something a lot better then what comes out of the showroom floor. I realize that some of this info is for a KLX250SF (USA Version), but most of it still is valid for a D-Tracker, minus the Carb vs EFI, Swing Arm, and graphics Enjoy the links. I look forward to discussing D Tracker modifications and upgrades.

Excellent Professional KLX250SF Bike build with Links

D Tracker and KLX250SF Parts Links
http://www.wheelingcyclesupply.com/shop ... 8&offset=0

http://japan.webike.net/categories/1000 ... ZwodFyS9Aw (HUGE SELECTION)

http://www.club517superbike.com/customi ... 648-2.html

http://kawasakiya.net/SHOP/J2000-0140_D-TrackerX.html (Luggage Rack from Japan)

One question. What do you guys think about putting an FMF Superbomb Header, and FMF Q4 Exhaust on this bike? The header is suppose to add 3 HP, and actually quiet the bike some. I would plan to get an O2 Sensor bung welded into the header. Also has anyone ever experimented with an O2 Sensor Eliminator on this bike?
May 2, 2010
Hi Guys I have a 2008 D Tracker for sale at the moment listed on this site the bike is totally standard except for a rear luggage rack, might be a good start for your mods
Sep 19, 2006
One Simple Upgrade is the Air-box "Snorkel" or "Duct". I have a KX200 fitted to My KLX but Kawasaki are now selling the Snorkel from the Kawasaki Boss which is apparently very Similar but requires a little use of a File to have it Fit correctly!The added Air intake is helpful if You have the Performance ECU or the Wire Cut and Tuck or a Performance Exhaust! Part Number is 14073-1734 . Cost is 261 Baht. Selling it at Kawasaki Chiang Mai. If You have any problem at any other Dealer just tell them the Part Number and that the Bike is a Kawasaki Boss 175 and You should be OK.
Good Luck.


Mar 10, 2008
Do you think that pulling the snorkel on an EFI bike really worth it ?

I've read that the injection has no way to monitor the increased air flow and that it will likely run worse unless you correct the fueling.

I'm not an expert about EFI and would like your opinion on this.


Mar 10, 2008
Well, i will answer to myself, and it might be useful for others, who knows ? :D

Tonight i made the "Cut the wire" trick and derestricted the bike for free in about 30min. I also took out the snorkel and
went for a ride. I have a NEW BIKE !

Derestricting is really amazing, i scared myself for the first time, finally ! Getting to 130km/h so easily, i didn't try max speed yet, but for this bike even 130 is enough. The added air is definatly a good thing, i also have a 2Bros M7 slip on, and the throttle response is much better now with the snorkel pulled.