Fang & the Truth about the Red Disco-Fly

Oct 8, 2003
I'll spare you more details about our second ride to Fang and Doi Angkan as Dave covered it well enough, although I do want to stress how marvelous the feeling was to drive along that deserted road. A must for anyone having some close affinity for special roads. And from Fang there's a fantastic loop bringing you at the foot of the steep ascend to Nor Lae. (coming from Thaton into Fang you'll pass UK and DJ hotel; go straight instead of turning left towards the centre and just follow the road. Don't take any lefts or rights afterwards). Of course any respectable Chiang Mai travel agency will tell you that the whole area is "non-touristy", where the White Man has never ever set foot or tyre before. To those who believe this : hands up and I'll personally come over to give you a good flogging.

When I entered the Cheer Pub with Dave and Dan and laid my eyes on the magnificent red-haired singer again, I instantly knew that she was the Light of my Life, the Fire of my Loins. She's got an attitude that drives me nuts, sending all my hormones into turmoil. Fortunately she repeatedly came over to chat, whenever she found some free time and how happy was I to only have few witnesses to see how we were holding hands under the table like two shy and immaculate college kids. For all those Bad People out there, talking like Snakes with a double-split tongue and destroying the reputation of my Sweety Pie, I can guarantee ya all that she's undoubtly an unoperated and genuine mammal from the female species. To those who persist masculinizing her; well, I think they're all some sort of manifestation of the animal irresponsibility of the lower orders.

The day after David and I came back to Chiang Mai I unexpectedly got a visit from a Belgian friend who works in BKK and we decided to drive back to Fang and greet my Wonderwoman again. Penetrating Cheer Pub (and yes, penetration was very present in my thoughts) at 11pm, there she was on the stage. Her Beauty was like a Surprise, an Awakening, a Shock. And once more, as soon as she had a break, we did the craziest thing on the whole wide world ; secretly holding hands under the table. At 2am I drove back to my hotel when I suddenly got a call on the handphone. And yes, that Voice! The Voice of my RED-KOLORED TANGERINE-FLAKE STREAMLINE BABY!! Telling me that she missed me and considered me as her boyfriend from now on. I immediately drove back to Cheer, saw her last appearance on stage and then, after 3am, then.....then......shit, I forgot, my knowledge of English is also too weak to explain...............but I'm convinced that nobody's interested in what happened next anyway... [:D]


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Philippe (& the mob)
I concur, she's a woman........
The scene at the The Cheers in Fang is worth checking out.
It’s not only the nameless, red haired singer, but also her 2 back-up companions on stage as well, who are worthy of a quick peak & a whisky or two. And, now that naughty Philippe has Miss red hair covered, there are only 2 to left to…………………

Keep the power on


Jan 20, 2003
Hi Philippe

"The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby" by Tom Wolfe came out in 1965 - probably before she was born.

Looking forward to the sequel that you will be writing.

"Enquiring minds want to know!!"

Oct 8, 2003
It's all momentarily over. Today she moved on to Singapore with the whole band (ten people) and will be singing Chinese songs soon.

And I'll reveal one secret; she's not a natural read-head! Nobody's perfect. Let's all mourn together.



Jan 20, 2003
So, when is the Singapore ride scheduled for? Don't tell us that a few extra kilometers will stand in the way of true and everlasting love!!!

Oct 8, 2003
It's not the extra kilometers that make me reluctant to go to Singapore and join the reddest of my loves, but more the size of my wallet. Yes indeed, I never flush public toilets, I eat in the underground, I spit on side walks and love to throw my chewing gum under the Gucci shoes of Chinese yuppies. And as you know there are hefty fines on these vile crimes.

I found another solution; there must be a new band playing at Cheer from now on. Tomorrow I'll be on my way to check out the new arrival of (hopefully) female singers. I'll go for the new fashion : blue hair this time. Please light some incence for me at the local temple and wish me good luck.


Jan 20, 2003
Blue hair this time, eh?

Since you are a Tom Wolfe fan, she could be "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"

Oct 8, 2003
New Life at Cheer Pub.

First of all I adress myself to the hard-core bikers who only want to hear about beautiful roads and zig-zagging curves. I strongly recommend to take the 1178, 6km north of Chiang Dao, then hook up with the quiet and twisty 1322 which will bring you as far as Piang Luang. There's a guesthouse there. Backtrack a bit and take the dirt raod that starts at Ban Chong, going due east. The first 18 km are easy driveable dirt and it goes like this for 60 km's. (on and off dirt and paved). It's a good option to continue to Doi Angkhan and join the famous abandonned road that follows the Burmese border to end up in Thaton. 100% satisfaction guarantied or your money back.
One more suggestion and slightly off the beaten track: from Mae Salong take the turn-off to Thoed Thai and drive until the end : Hua Mae Kham, a delicious hilly village built straight on the side of the mountain and all around you is Myanmar. The last 10 k's are dirt, impossible when wet. The views are just splendid.

Aaahhh, the Cheer Pub in Fang. The first thing I spotted when we arrived was a red head sitting outside. Almost blind with desire I stumbled towards it but froze when I realised that the hair belonged to the new and skinny male singer-dancer. We sympathised with the whole band but it's with sadness that I announce that their show isn't up to the standards of the previous band. It lacks in vibrance and charisma. I can't say that the new main female singer has the face of a fat muddy fish and the body of an Irish potatoe, she's OK but definitely lacking everything when I compare her to my Red Flame who is now barking Chinese propoganda songs in Singapore. Voila, it's all over for me in Fang for the moment.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Life can be tough on the road eh, even for a "young" hand like you?
My plan to meet up in Nan end of this week is on hold. Will have to be next week after Loy Krathong, & even then I also need to go to Mae Sot. Not sure which one will come first, Nan or Mae Sot? Mae Sot will be a single over-nighter, but Nan will be a couple of nights away, no doubt seeking out new GPS tracks & the odd red-haired singer (although I don’t mind settling for a black-haired one either!)
En route to Nan, I would not mind a night in Chiang Kham, as it is a year or two since I had a night there, and CK used to be one of my fave rural towns for fun.
Drop me a line or ring so we can arrange a rendezvous....

1. Did you check out the old HQs of Khun Sa the old opium warlord in Thoed Thai, en route to Hua Mae Kham?
2. Did you go from Thoed Thai - Doi Tung the back way, via Huai Mu? If so how was the road - any road works in the area. This time last year they were doing a lot of road improvements & there was quite a bit of, dirt. So any info from you would be a good update....

Keep the power on
Oct 8, 2003
Mista David,

You're really putting me in an embarrassing situation with all your personal questions, but as you're the master & boss of this website I guess I have no other choice than to oblige.

Question 1 : did I go to Khun Sa HQs in Thoed Thai?
Answer : no
Question 2 : did I go through Huai Mu, coming from Thoed Thai?
Answer : no

With the hope of having satisfied your curiosity & always glad to help out. Philippe.

P.S. : From Thoed Thai we continued straight south and joined the route 1130 until Pasang; a lovely fast curvy road and perfect tarmac with deep views over a sea of green. Perfect if you like scrape the side of your expensive shoes.

Two absolute and terrific musts for the privileged who have a bike : due east of Chiang Rai, along the Lao border is the Phu Chee Fah road; the 24 km from Rom Pho Tai to Ban Huak are just as good as it gets, better than anything along the famous 1148 (grown to mythical proportions since I've driven it two years I gonna get insults thrown at my head now?) On the map it shows dirt but its paved.
And last but not least : 32km north-east from Nan lies Santisuk. Take the 1257 (=totally paved too) to Lak Lai, but preferably starting from Lak Lai. Unreal road taking you through some kind of toy landscape It almost looks like the whole scene has been built by somebody with the sole intention to please us. FANTASTIC!
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